Taisei Yoshida X Reader. Greasy fight.

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Requested by: @LitttleMissOreo

Title: Greasy fight

There's swearing in this one. Art is mine!

*2nd POV*

You were walking over to Yoshida's, he had called you and asked you to help him with upgrading his motorcycle. Granted you didn't know quite as much as he did when it came to this, you did however know the different tools because you've helped him before.

On the way you decided to grab a drink from a small café in town. Smiling internally because he always said such goofy things while you help him. It's cute and very entertaining.

When you finally made it to his place, after and excruciating 8 minutes of walking you joined him in the garage. You mumbled out in incoherent 'hello' but it was enough to get his attention.

"Hey there hot stuff~ what brings you here?" He always does this. And it always makes you laugh- to yourself of course!!
He walks over and for some reason you thought he was going to kiss you. No. He smeared his greasy ass fingers all over your face and then LAUGHED at it. 'How RUDE' you thought to yourself as you, being the petty person you are, put your drink down and coated your hands in car grease. Turning back to him with an evil look, you began chasing after him hands out infront of you in a taunting manner.

You chased him all around his yard, both smiling but he was still laughing his ass off. He stopped laughing when you finally cought him (tackled him) and used his same tactics until his face was covered. You were both sitting on the ground now, you on top of him.

"Our moms are gonna kill us!" He smiled through the sense of impending doom. You just gave him a look while crossing your arms.
"Okay it was all my fault but you took the bait!" You pushed him back down to the ground and got off his lap.

He laughed as you grabbed the rag in the garage that was surprisingly clean. You ran it under the water for a couple seconds before wiping your face and hands, and then going over to him to do the same.

"Thanks." He was blushing, just slightly. You kissed his now clean cheek and walked back over to the sink to clean the rag. After that was done you grabbed your drink and leaned against the wall waiting for him to work on his motorcycle, ya'know, like he said. After a while (a minute) of waiting you walked over to him.

"Aren't you gonna??" You questioned. He nodded as a yes.

"But first," he went behind you to give you a hug and a tiny kiss. He rested his hand in your hair and whispered something in Spanish? Since when did he know Spanish? You blushed, wondering what he just said.

"My mom said that you might like it if I learned a new language." He blushed and pulled you closer. He would never admit it but he loves to listen to his mom's advice about dating. And he only learned (memorized) like 3 lines in Spanish. He forgot what one of them means already lol. But none the less it was hot.

He let go and went to work on his motorcycle, you following suit. A couple hours pass and he finally finishes.

"Wanna try?" He looks over at you while wiping the grease off his hands. Vigorously you shake your head. Last time anyone rode with him they got flung off, and you forgot how to ride by yourself, he showed you once. He's not the best teacher. He shrugged off your response and instead took it out of the garage to ride around the block by himself.

His mom walked out with a small bag of pretzels for you. Giving her a nod as if to say thank you.

"How are you? I haven't been able to talk to you for like a week! I can't believe my son would hog you that much! Especially considering you come over every day!" She exclaimed. At least she liked you.

"Good." You replied after a small chuckle escaped. She was definitely where his sense of humor came from, over exaggerated, random, sometimes stupid, sarcastic, but never failing to make you laugh. For some reason.

"He talks about you all the time when you're not here! It's so cute! He really loves you. So tell him to take a bath every once in a while! He won't listen to me and I'm about ready to assault him with an entire fabreeze container." You nod in agreement.

'I'm sorry but sometimes he does smell like melted legos.' You remark to yourself.

He was turning back in the driveway when she bid her farewell to you.

"Hey there hottie~" He said taking off his helmet.

"Hey there~" He smiled like a 5 year old getting a new present. He went to go kiss you before you blocked him with one finger. He slightly pouted.

"Whaaaa??? Why not??" He sadly asked.

"Because you stink good sir. Go take a bath."

"Uuuuughhh not you too! Wait, you'll join me?" He asked sounding hopeful. That hope was quickly shot down when you shook your head.
"Come on! Why not!" You blushed, neither of you had seen each other naked yet and it was kinda scary.
"Fine.." He sighed out.
"But..." He quickly kissed you and the ran inside to take his shower. It was about time for you to head back home anyways. You waved goodbye to the boy who was already inside his house and began walking.

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