Fuwa X Reader. Argument

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Y'all are like 23 in this.

3rd POV

For a while all you and  have been doing is laying in bed and watching anime. Of course you loved that time with her, but it's been eating at you lately. That's all you do with her anymore. That's how this started.

"Well why can't we do something different for once?!" You asked the girl. You had mentioned earlier that you wanted to do something else.

"Well I like this so why can't we keep doing it!?" She retorted.

"Well maybe because we don't even talk during it! I'm pretty sure for a minute I forgot what your voice even sounded like!" You said back, begining to raise your voice.

"It's not my fault YOU don't wanna talk about the show! Like seriously have a little life in you!"

"Have a little life in me?! ARE YOU KIDDING?? My head's been spinning because of how long we've been watching anime! I'd say it's been at least 5 weeks! I'm tired, I wanna go do something with you that won't cause large headaches! We've been watching the same 3 shows!"

"And what's so wrong with it? I've always been able to watch things for that long when you weren't around so I don't see your issue!"

"Aren't you supposed to be a detective? I know you're smarter than that Yuzuki! Our eyes need a break to do something else! Anything else! Not to mention we haven't had anything healthy since our binge began!"

"So? It's only a few weeks, you're fine." She said, turning in anger.

"Fuwa my stomach hurts! My head hurts! I love anime as much as you but you're addicted! We haven't even gone shopping so who knows when we were outside last!" She stayed silent. She had lightly flinched at you using her last name. You've been together for a while and were long past last name basis. It felt like a stab in her heart as she started to cry lightly.
"Yuzuki?" You said much softer now. "Hey love what's wrong?" You asked putting your hands on her shoulders. She brushed them off.

"I-if you wanna go do something just. Go." She said weakily.

"Yuzuki.." You said quietly.

"Just go." She said, walking over to the door and opening it. "I need to be a lone for a minute go do whatever you so desperately wanted to do." She said, crying a little louder.

"Love, I want to do it wi-" she began shoving you out. Once she did she slammed the door in your face. You could hear her sobs from outside as well as a click. People were staring at you. Her noises felt bitter and stung your heart as you sat on your porch waiting for her to open the door again.

"I just shouldn't have brought it up." You sighed and held your head in your hands.

Hours had passed, you had started crying somewhere in between and it hasn't stopped. You heard a click from inside again, the door opening, and someone walking towards you. You were going to say something but your tongue was stuck. You couldn't say anything. The weeks of your and her health deteriorating really had effected you. She knew it would have. You weren't exactly the healthiest person to begin with anyway, but she was which is why she could handle it so well. The going to sleep for only a couple hours then waking up to watch more, the not moving for hours and hours, the not eating much and what did was extremely unhealthy, all of it.

"Hey." She started. You kept your head down not having the strength to look up at her right now. "I'm.. I'm sorry." She said. "I didn't think about you, and the effect it would have on you. I used to be so active and social and I know you're only looking out for the health of both of us. I should've taken breaks during out marathon of anime." She said and sat next to you. "(Y/N)?"

That was it. You looked up at her. She saw your teary eyes and almost began crying again. She was hesitant to touch you until you leaned your head on her. "I'm sorry too. I should've been nicer, or at least stopped it sooner." She shook her head.

"No you were right. I just.. Needed something to get me to stop." She wrapped her arms around you, and you did the same not long after. You didn't have any words left.

"You wanna go upstairs and sleep? I promise I won't wake up 2 hours later." She said. You nodded and you both stood up. She held you hand and lead you in and up. You were practically being dragged up, because you were that tired. She was patient though.

Once the two of you made it up she laid on your guy's bed. You joined and practically dropped on her. He held your head on her chest and lightly played with your hair. Your arms moved under her and clung to her waist.

"I love you." You sleepily said. She kissed the top of your head.

"I love you too." She said back as lovingly as she could. The two of you cuddled through all of your sleeping, after you quickly fell asleep. It was finally a peaceful night after nearly 6 weeks of almost constantly being awake.

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