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"Of course," you smiled after you made sure to swallow. You put the apple down, preparing to answer all the questions that could be shot at you.

"So what is your name?"


"Last name?"

"I don't know. The league never mentioned it just in case I wanted to escape and 'contact any relatives'," you answered. "Although I think I might've heard it one time. It was something like... Takane? I'm not sure. That doesn't sound quite right."

Principal Nezu nodded. You noticed Recovery Girl had left the room.

"But if it's important then it's probably somewhere in the league's files," you continued. Making them nod once more.

"Here's to my next question. Who is 'the league' you keep talking about?"

Your mood darkened. "The League Of Villains. Actually led by All for One but in the public's eye by Tomura Shigaraki."

Their eyes widened and they looked slightly alarmed.

"You ran from the League of Villains?" Mr. Aizawa asked you.

You nodded. "Got enough of their bullcrap."

Principal Nezu told something quietly to Mr. Aizawa and the latter nodded.

"It was very nice meeting you, young Y/n but unfortunately I have duties to attend to," the mouse said and walked out of the room.

"So now you have questions," you turned to Aizawa. He nodded. "But before you start, can I ask you something? Why did you take me in? I could've just as well been some homeless person just wandering around."

"Because you look young and seem to have a fairly powerful quirk. What's it called?"

"Fog wings."

"Interesting. We'll talk about that later. How old are you?"

"I'm 15."

Aizawa P.O.V

That's way younger than I thought. I would've guessed around 17 to 19, I thought.

"Any family that you know of?" I asked.

Y/n P.O.V

I furrowed my brows.

"I can't really remember anything from before the league. I was too young back then. But I think I remember my parents mentioning a brother. Kevin? No not that. As I said before - I'm not sure," I answered.

"Okay. How exactly did you end up with the League?"

I closed my brownish gold eyes and forced myself to calm down. That was a touchy subject.

"That's something I remember fairly well. Shigaraki and Kurogiri came one evening and told my parents that they had made a promise that needed to be fulfilled. I think it was something about them convincing the League not to take my brother if they gave them their second born. Who turned out to be me. Hip hip hooray," I ended sarcastically.

I saw Mr. Aizawa's mouth twitch into a small smile before he continued.

"So back to your quirk. What can you do?"

"Well," you took off your hoodie to stretch your wings and pointed at them. "My wingspan is around five meters right now and they're still growing. They should end up at around five and a half.

For what I can do- I can obviously fly but I can also send feathers out of my wings, they're pretty strong actually. I can somewhat 'see' and 'hear' through my feathers and they can be used as blades. On top of that I can produce a fog-like mist through flapping them which is completely blinding to anyone but me. They can't see through it.

It has many weaknesses though. I feel whatever my feathers do and if any of them would be destroyed I would feel very strong pain and it could take up to a few days for them to grow back. And if I overuse my fog my own vision becomes kind of foggy and so does my brain. So I could end up just staring into the distance blankly," I chuckled in the end but turned right serious after. "I should probably also mention that during the last few years, the League injected some stuff into me. It hasn't started working yet so I sometimes get random energy bursts or pains."

Mr Aizawa looked at me for a second and then stood up. "Alright, thank you Y/n. You can stay here for tonight after finishing your food and you'll be joining my class starting next week. Until then you can train and move around freely if someone knows where you are. Understood?"

"Yes. Thank you so much Mr. Aizawa, really," I smiled at him.

"No problem," he answered and walked out the door, leaving you to finish the food and sink into the soft cushions right after.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now