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"Yeah," you nodded and he guided you to the changing rooms.

"So where are your sidekicks?" you asked, flying next to your brother.

"They can't keep up with my speed so they mostly just clean up on the ground," he informed you, making you nod.

"That's understandable."

"Okay that's your first crime, to the right from here, let's go!" he said excitedly and sped off, you easily catching up to him.

"Bee, connect me to Hawks' earphones," you commanded.

"Done, miss."

"It's easier to communicate that way," you said, the voice echoing through Hawks' head. "Don't have to talk so loud."

He nodded.

You looked ahead. A bank robbery, around 20 guys.

"They're splitting up," you commented.

"Take the ones on the left, I'll take the ones on the right," he said to your earphones.


You sped in front of the guys, landing.

"It's Hawks!" one of them yelled.

"No it's not! It's the girl from the Sports Fest, you idiot."

"Aww I'm famous," you cooed, sneakily sending out some feathers and swiftly stabbing them through the upper part of the bag, not damaging the money inside. "I'll take that, thank you."

As money was out of their reach, they charged at you.

Thank you, Dabi, for the hand-to-hand combat and weapon training, you thanked in your head while grabbing two of your feathers as blades and quickly sweeping them off their feet, pointing the blades at them.

Rest of your feathers were also sharpened and in a ball in the air around them.

"One wrong move and you'll be cut," you threatened.

You heard the police coming and lowered the bags slowly. Your brother landed beside you as you retrieved your feathers to make room for the police.

"You did amazing," he complimented. "Couldn't have done it better myself. Maybe a bit quicker but not better."

"Thank you Hawks and..." the policeman trailed off.

"Dove," you finished for him with a smile.

"Dove. We'll take over from here."

You two nodded and rose into the air.

"Dove, huh?" Hawks teased.

"Yeah. You said it could be my hero name one day and it fit, so...," you smiled.

He smiled at you. "You know I can't express how happy I am that we managed to meet again."

You sent him a smile identical to his. "Yeah I'm happy too. How're mom and dad?"

He frowned. "I haven't seen them in a while. But since you were taken, they were a lot more strict on how I used my wings or anything like that. You not being there changed them. It changed me too but I still believed I'll find you and rescue you."

You scoffed at his hearted speech. "I rescued myself, dude."

He laughed. "You really did, kid. You really did."


You yawned as you stepped in the teachers' common room. [I'm doing it so they go home for the nights and internships happen from 10a.m. - 7 p.m.]

"How was your day?" Aizawa asked from the couch.

"Great actually. I helped to stop a bank robbery," you said, stretching your hands over your head.

"Congratulations," he said. "Any interruptions from the injection?"

"Not yet," you answered. "Anyways, I'm off to sleep."

"Good night," he said.


Come on...

You know it's inside you...

Unleash it...

Use it...

Know it...

Learn from it...

You woke up with a jerk in cold sweat to see your feathers going berserk around the room.

"Gosh darn it," you cursed, looking at the clock. "It's 3 in the morning!"

You tried to get it under control but it only got worse.

Maybe I should get Aizawa to cancel it out, you thought, clutching your back in pain. Don't want to wake him up though...

Embrace it, the voice in your head whispered again.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

I want you to stop fighting it. Let it take over.

"What do you mean let it take over?"


You did as the voice said. The pain stopped and feathers came back, puffing out to start emitting fog.

"What is going on?!"

Just go with it. Imagine a thing you would like, imagine how dense it is, imagine the softness or hardness.

"No I won't?" you tensed up, the pain came back.

Do it, the mysterious voice said.

"Why are you helping me?"

Because I want you to realise your power. Now do it.

"Okay uhh... I want a pillow. It's really fluffy and-" you were cut off when your fog started gathering into a little cloud and taking the shape of a pillow.

"Okay uhh... That's weird."


"Voice, hello?"


Well okay then, you thought. I want the fog pillow to press into a little reflecting crystal and then disperse into snowflakes that disappear when they touch the ground.

You watched in awe as the fog did that.

You blinked a few times.

"Well no sleep for me tonight then. Glad I went to bed earlier."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now