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"No problem," he answered and walked out the door, leaving you to finish the food and sink into the soft cushions right after.

3rd person

As Y/n woke up, she shot up and looked around with an alarmed look. It took her brain a moment to remember the events from last night.

She sighed and laid back down, relaxing her wings which had tensed up as a reflex.

Although - she didn't get much peace before the door cracked open, making her sit up again.

"Oh, good morning Mr. Aizawa," she greeted cheerily, switching to the carefree side of her personality.

"Good morning, Y/n. I brought you some clothes. I'll be waiting outside. Come when you're ready and then I'll show you where you'll be living from now on," Aizawa said.

"Alright, thank you," Y/n chirped and stood up from the bed.

She changed rather quickly and realised as a pleasant surprise that the shirt had slits on its back for her wings. The white shirt was slightly oversized and she also pulled on a new pair of black leggings and socks since her old ones had been through quite the adventure.

"Ready," she said as she walked out the door, her hoodie from the previous day hauled over her shoulder.

Aizawa nodded and started walking. "Come on then. I have some more questions."

"Shoot," Y/n answered.

"Where exactly were you held captive and for how long?"

"Although I'm not entirely sure where, I know it's south-west from here since I heard the League talk about U.A being north-east from them. As for how long, I think around 12 years? Since I was three. I still remember stuff from back then though, I sometimes have somewhat flashbacks through dreams, after something - usually a fight - triggers some certain emotions," you explained, turning back to your serious, calm and calculating self.

Jeez, her mood changes scare even me, Aizawa thought but shook it off to talk. "If you're wondering, it is right now ten in the morning on a Saturday. You slept for quite some time but that's understandable. You will be starting hero course in class 1A starting Monday and you will be living in the teacher's quarters. And for now, until we'll completely figure out if you have any family left, I'll be your legal guardian and will use the last name Aizawa. Of course if that's okay with you."

"You mean I'd be like your adopted daughter?" Y/n asked, looking at him.

"Yes," Aizawa said with a slight smile.

"Of course! I'd be honoured," Y/n chirped, turning back to carefree and cheery.

"Why were you wearing that hoodie over your wings yesterday? Is there a reason for that that you're willing to share?"

"Didn't want to draw too much attention to myself, because the League would've probably gotten me back and all that jazz," she said, airily waving your hand. "I think I'd shower and then maybe do some training if that's possible?" Y/n added as if asking for permission.

"Of course. Though I hope you wouldn't mind if some teachers were watching you. If you were to live and study here we need to know more about what you're capable of," Aizawa said.

Y/n blinked her slightly bird-looking eyes a few times, thinking over the possibilities of what could happen in the given situation.

The worst is that whatever the League injected finally kicks in but I doubt that would happen, she thought with furrowed brows.

"Of course you guys can watch. It's completely understandable," she finally gave her answer in a carefree manner.

Aizawa nodded slightly and guided her through a door. "Oh and after training you can design your hero costume," he added.

"And I can help with that," came a happy woman's voice from the big common room. Y/n looked over to see a woman with dark blue hair.

"No," Aizawa answered for Y/n.

"Okay?" the 15-year-old in the room said slowly.

"This is your room now. It was a guest room for any teachers from other schools that came for a meeting," Aizawa said, gesturing to one of the doors in the common room. This one had a blank door while all the others had stickers or designs on them.

"Thank you," Y/n chirped happily, brushing off the confusion from a minute prior.

As she headed off to the room, the adults in the room turned to Aizawa.

"Getting attached already, Aizawa? I don't blame you though, she seems like a cool kid," the woman from earlier spoke.

"Whatever you say, Midnight," Aizawa rolled his eyes, although a small smile indicated that Midnight was right.


About twenty minutes later Y/n exited the room, the warm blonde messy hair that reached to the middle of her neck now damp from the water and wings pure grayish white without soily spots.

"Alrighty, I'm ready for some training now," she chirped happily and stretched her whole body as tall as she could, including her wings, which now showed how wide they really were.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now