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You grinned, pulling back. "You can't get rid of me that easily, Hitoshi Shinso."

You panted, sitting down on the train. You had barely reached it and you were glad you didn't leave leaving the dorms for the last minute since the conversation with Hitoshi had held you up a bit.

You relaxed as you leaned back and closed your eyes and silently secured all your luggage so if anyone touched it, you would wake up from the nap you were about to take. Because honestly, you really needed that nap.


You yawned, waking up and looking at the clock.

Still 20 minutes until Kyushu... just enough for my brain to wake up.

You sleepily moved your hands around, finding your costume's headphones and putting them on.

"Bee, play f/s[favorite song]."

A few seconds after you had given the command, familiar starting tunes started playing. You smiled, bobbing your head to the rhythm of the song.

Rest of the right went by in a flash and when you stepped out of the train, your headphones around your neck, you were met by the familiar sight of Kyushu train station.

A soft smile graced your lips as you walked along the busy streets. Kyushu - for you - always had this homey feeling to it. Of course, the dorms and U.A teachers' lounge did too but that wasn't really it. Maybe it was because every time you went to Kyushu, it was guaranteed you would see your brother. Or maybe it was because you had learned you spent the first few years of your life in a village near Kyushu. Keigo had told you that you always loved it whenever your parents would take you two to the city since you were amazed by everyone's quirks and the magnificent buildings of the cityscape. Walking and drowning in your own thoughts, you hadn't noticed how you had made it in front of your brother's agency.

Shaking your head to fully free yourself from distractions, you stepped in and greeted the woman behind the reception table, who was already familiar with you. You headed to the elevator, pushing the button of your brother's office's floor.

"Come in!" he called, you going in without missing a beat.

He chuckled when he noticed it was you. "You know you can just fly up, yeah?"

You grinned, eyeing the balcony door. "I forgot."

He laughed, standing up to ruffle your hair. "Now go get in your costume, I'll explain more of the mission on the way."

You nodded, excitement in your eyes.


"As I shortly said before, we're inspecting the area League of Villains was last spotted around," Keigo explained as you two glided through the sky.

"Mhm," you hummed, "I trust your judgment here because I don't remember them doing anything bad." From the corner of your eye, you could see him frown slightly. "Keigo? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," he said quickly, a bit too quickly for suspicions to not rise in you. "Anyways. They were not only spotted there but they are also being associated with the case of people losing their quirks or going missing."

It was your turn to frown. "And we're inspecting the area for clues, correct?"

"Yes. We're looking for any clues that would give us hints of where they reside right now so if we make that sure, we can ambush the place with many heroes," he explained, looking at you for a second as he did so.

You nodded. "Good plan. It's-"

Suddenly, it started ringing in your ears. "Keigo, I don't feel so good." ["Mr. Stark... I don't feel so good."]

"What?" you saw him fully turn to look at you before everything went blurry and you could feel your wings stop flapping and air rushing past you.

Gene regeneration 100% complete.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now