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You nodded. "Yeah."

You stepped in Recovery Girl's office and she immediately rushed you to sit down on a bed.

"Oh dear, what was that?" she gushed, looking at your disheveled appearance.

"Yeah well," you smiled slightly. "I don't exactly know."

Suddenly Bakugo barged in. "What was that you, idiot!?" he asked angrily but you could hear the worried undertone.

"Aww were you worried?"

"Of course I was worried, your wings looked like they were about to rip off!"

Suddenly the whole class squeezed in, you getting extremely overwhelmed with the situation. Especially because you didn't like people being worried about you.

"Alright everyone out. She'll tell you later. Thank you Shinsou," Aizawa said, coming into the room and nodding gratefully at the purple-haired boy.

"Are you okay?" he asked as soon as the door closed.

You rubbed your head. "I'm fine now but... I don't know what to do with it."

"What we should do is figure out what it is and then you can learn to control it," he said, you nodded.

"Yeah. That sounds like a plan. Easier said than done though-"

The door opened and Hawks came in.

"Keigo!" you smiled.

Mr. Aizawa raised his eyebrows. "So you know?"

"You knew?" you asked.

"I had my suspicions," he nodded. "I didn't want to burden you before I was sure though."

"What was that?" Keigo asked worriedly.

"How about I explain after the festival?" you asked, sighing and standing up. "It's almost over anyways. Am I good to go?"

"Not quite yet we need to wrap up a few cuts," Recovery Girl said, making you sit back down with a sigh.

"But I'm fiiiiine," you dragged out.

"Your wings and head are bloody, and your arms are still bleeding," Keigo said pointedly.

"Oh," you looked down. "I really didn't notice that."

"So you have some explaining to do. What. Was. That?" your brother interrogated, sitting down next to Aizawa.

You knew that the U.A staff knew your situation so you didn't mind Recovery Girl being there.

"During my time with the League," you started. "At the start they weren't that bad. Almost like... family or friends. We watched movies, played board games but all the while I was trained to reach my quirk's limit. To completely master it. The training was harsh but not really brutal.

A bit after I turned 13, I started noticing the League's behaviour slowly changing. The training was harsher, they distanced themselves from me. If before it was almost homey, then now I started feeling like an actual prisoner. They kept me healthy and didn't starve me though if that's what you're suspecting.

During one year, I think it was half a year after the League started distancing themselves, Dabi came and we became sort of friends. Whenever it was his time to train with me, he made sure not to hurt me too much. He said I reminded him of someone he used to know. Anyways back to the topic.

There were about two months until my 14th birthday. But suddenly All For One - the big boss - was called in. I had never met him before and honestly I wish I never did.

After that, I was once a week taken into a lab to 'observe my improvement' or whatever. And when training didn't make it get better anymore, they started to experiment on me.

First it was small things like quicker healing or better stamina. But soon it turned into testing new things on me like serums that are supposed to evolve your quirk or make some sort of sick twist to it.

The doses didn't show any effect so they simply put more and more and more. About a week before my 15th birthday, I started experiencing small headaches or wings twitching out of nowhere. Sometimes it went as bad as cramps.

One day after a particularly big dose, they left for a mission, leaving me unsupervised. They assumed I was too weak to do anything and I managed to escape. The mission they went to was a longer one so I knew they wouldn't notice it too soon.

And then I ended up at UA."

As you finished, Hawks' wings were tensed up from anger and Aizawa's eyes were narrowed.

"Have you ever gotten something like what just happened before?" Aizawa asked.

"No it was the first yet," you said, sitting still for Recovery Girl to finish wrapping up your arm. "Can we go watch the festival now? I'm sure the last round is about to end."

The adults nodded and all three of you left the room.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now