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Thank you, Shinsou, for being my friend and saving me from being destroyed by my own subconsciousness.

Thanks to Shinsou, you weren't as desperate to get your 'friends'' attention anymore. In fact, you were feeling better than you had in a while.

You sat alone at lunch, avoiding looking at your past 'friends' to not feel lonely.

"Hey," Shinsou greeted, sitting across from you.

"Hey, Shinsou," you smiled. "I'm glad you're here but don't you want to be with your other friends?"

"Uhh," he rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess you could say you and I are alike. They're just classmates. I used to eat alone."

You furrowed your brows. "Why'd you never come to sit with me?"

He chuckled awkwardly, looking away from you. "Because you always looked super popular and... I guess I didn't want you to dislike me because I ruined your time with your friends. But after what you told me yesterday, I finally got the courage to come and sit with you."

You smiled at him genuinely. "Well thank you for considering my feelings. That's very sweet of you. And don't worry, I don't dislike you. I actually think you're cool."

His cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Thank you. I think you're cool too," he muttered.

You laughed lightly at his embarrassed state and resumed your eating.


"Hey, dad," you greeted, entering the training field in gym clothes and starting to stretch. "You here to train with me today? You've been extra busy lately."

"Hey, Y/n," he said with a soft smile. "Sorry about that. And I hope you don't mind having a student join us today."

You smiled. "No of course not! The more the merrier. But why? You don't take many students for someone worthy."

"I've been training him more and more since the Sports Fest," he said blankly.

You raised a brow. "Cool, cool." After that, you continued your stretching.

"The reason why I'm bringing him to train with you is simple. I know little about close combat. You beat me already at the start of the year. It's beneficial for him," Aizawa said.

"Thank you," you smiled.

"Hello," you heard a familiar voice from near the door.

"Hey, Shinsou. You the one to train with me today?" you asked, not even phased that he is the one.

He nodded.

"Great. Let's get to work!" you said, stopping your stretching. "Show me what you've got."


"A newspaper?" the class chorused.

"Yeah. They want to make a feature on your class."

As everyone broke off to go into groups, you simply sat on the couch and scrolled through your phone, trying to figure out some activities besides training for the evening after school. I'll probably make some more origami for my room and then train... And of course homework. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

You looked up and behind you when the reporter came in.

"You don't need to do anything different from the usual," the reporter instructed.

Easy for you to say. People always act differently in front of the camera. Even if it's just little things your subconsciousness is responsible for, you thought with a frown, not moving from your spot on the couch.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now