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With that you rose above the ground and while still dodging the attacks, you fogged the area up.

Suddenly it stopped.

"What?" you muttered, as it rushed back into your wings against your will. Todoroki could see you again and started attacking but it was like you had no control anymore. You managed to dodge but it was barely. You tried charging with your feathers but they kept coming back.

Your heart started beating faster. "Come on! Not right now! This is literally the worst possible time!"

You eyed the commentary box with fear in your eyes. At that moment both of your wings jerked the wrong way and froze, making you fall.

"Stop the match," Aizawa suddenly commanded. Cementoss reacted quickly and Todoroki also stopped the attacks.

You fell unconscious, that much was apparent for everyone. But your wings seemed to have a mind on their own. They twitched, twisted and bent every wrong way. The worst part is the crowd was wrong. You weren't unconscious.

You could feel everything, you tried to stop this but you had no control. You managed to guide your hands to grab your wings, forcefully trying to stop them but paining yourself even more through that.

Everyone could understand something was wrong. And nobody could do anything. Aizawa wanted to but he couldn't use his quirk - it didn't work at that distance due to the injury and he couldn't get down fast enough.

Suddenly Shinsou ran out from the gate behind you.

You were facing towards it and you could make out a figure.

"Answer to me, Y/n," you heard a voice, vaguely familiar.

"Do you promise to stop the pain?" you cried out through gritted teeth. That was all Shinsou needed. You were under his control now and luckily, so was whatever was surging through your body.

"Come here," he ordered.

You were crying on the inside, you didn't want to give up. But you knew you were too exhausted to fight. Especially with whatever was going on. You walked out of bounds and to Shinsou, who was waiting for you, arm stretched out.

"It's okay," he said quietly, taking your shoulder and guiding you out. "It's going to be okay."

"Todoroki wins!" Midnight announced, enthusiasm lacking in her voice.

The whole stadium was stunned.

Bakugo's eyes were widened when he stood up. "I knew something was wrong!" he hissed, making his way down.

He wasn't the only one moving. Hawks was figuring out the quickest possible way down without causing a scene and Aizawa and Present Mic were beyond worried. But they couldn't leave the commentary box since it wasn't a break. Aizawa ignored that though, he was your legal guardian.

Todoroki walked out of the arena silently. I knew something was wrong... But was that my fault?

As soon as you were out of the stadium, Shinsou released his control. Luckily the injected stuff didn't act up again.

"Hey, are you okay?" Shinsou asked quietly, both of you coming to a stop.

You looked at him and put on a pained smile. "Thank you."

"Can I... hug you? You look like you need that right now," he asked.

And the walls came tumbling down [in the city that we lo-o-o-oved~], tears brimming your eyes as you hugged your friend.

"I was so weak," you said. "I couldn't control it." You sobbed into his shoulder.

"No, no, it's okay," he said, petting your back awkwardly. "There's nothing you could do about it."

You nodded into his shoulder before pulling back.

"Now how about we get you to Recover Girl? You're beaten up," he said, smiling at the end to lighten the mood.

You nodded. "Yeah."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now