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You chuckled. "I have." The League really wasn't satisfied with the answer 'I don't care.' Although I seriously don't. Chicken is good.

"Come on, Junior! You'll do better than that," Dabi exclaimed while you dodged his flames.

"It's not like I can fight them in any way!" you shouted back at him, "And stop calling me that! It makes no sense!"

"Oh but it does, Junior," he said as he stopped the flames and started walking towards you, stopping to check if you were bleeding anywhere. After all - it wasn't his intention to hurt you. He just needed to train you strongly or the league would get suspicious of your friendship. "I used to know a boy with a very similar quirk to yours. So it makes sense that I would call you Junior."

Your best friend in the League vanished and you were running around a flowerfield.

"Keigo, you'll never catch me!" you laughed.

"But I already did, Y/n! I have my quirk," your brother exclaimed, flapping his wings to put you down after slightly lifting you from the ground, indicating he had caught you.

"No fair! But when I get my quirk, I'll be even stronger than you!" you smiled.

"We'll see," he grinned.


"See, Keigo! I got my quirk! It's just like yours! But I have this fog thing!" you said excitedly while running to your brother, showing off your wings.

"That's really cool, N/n, but I don't see the fog~" he teased.

"See now?" you asked and flapped your wings.

"Y/n, now I don't see anything," he laughed.


"But I don't want to go, Kei," you cried, hugging your brother for the last time.

"I know, Dove, I know. But I'll find you, okay? As soon as I can, I'll find you," he said, resting his chin on your head and wrapping his wings around you for comfort. "I promise."

Your eyes shot open and you laid still for a second, breaking out from the half-asleep state, being able to feel your surroundings again.

"Oh well. No sleep after that one," you sighed. That was Dabi and... I think that was my brother. Keigo, was it? Gotta write that down before I forget again.

You quickly scrambled around the room, trying to find something to write on.

Luckily there was a pile of sticky notes on a cupboard.

"There we go," you muttered, "Now a pen."

Lucky for you, you found one on the desk that was under the window. That drew your attention out of the window to the barely rising sun. What time is it anyway?

You looked at the clock on the wall.

"5 A.M?" you asked yourself quietly and then sighed. "Great."

You stood and stared out of the window for a moment. Yes! The name!

You took a sticky note and put your hand in a writing position. What was it? Yes, Keigo. Am I glad I'm writing it down now before I manage to forget again.

"Keigo..." you muttered what you wrote out. "Brother's name?"

'Keigo - brother's name?' now stood on the paper. You smiled as you took the paper and stuck it on the nightstand next to your bed.

"What now?" you asked yourself when you looked around.

I mean I could go back to bed and just lay there for a few hours because that sounds nice, but it's fairly hard to get comfortable with those wings, you thought.

In the end you settled for dressing up and just hanging out in the teacher's common room, eating cereal and staring off into nothingness.


"Oh, Y/n. Didn't think you'd be up so early," Present Mic said as he appeared in the common room. It was 6.30 now.

"Good morning..." you started, trailing off awkwardly. "What can I call you exactly?"

"Call me Uncle Mic," he exclaimed cheerily, pointing a thumb to himself.

You smiled. "Well then, good morning Uncle Mic."

"Now what are you doing up so early, kiddo?" he asked you as he went to the kitchen nook to make breakfast for himself.

"Just another flashback, that's all," you sighed.

He nodded. "You want some tea? I'm making some for myself so I could as well make you some."

"Yes, please," you smiled wider. People were so nice there.

"Alright, what flavour?"

"T/fl/o/y/ch[tea flavour of your choice], if possible," you said.

"Coming right up," Present Mic said.

After the tea had brewed, Mic had finished making his breakfast and you were joined by Midnight, they sat on a sofa while you had moved to a bean bag because it was simply way more comfortable.

"So tell us about the flashback," Mic said to you, Midnight nodding along.

"It started with a memory of training in the League with my somewhat friend. He was fairly nice to me during my time there, honestly. Then it changed to me and my brother playing, then when I got my quirk and then when I was taken away," you summarised.

Midnight and Mic glanced at each other seriously and turned back to you.

"Do you... perhaps remember any details about your brother?" Midnight asked.

You raised your eyebrow questioningly but answered anyway. "Lucky for you, I remember most of my dreams very vividly. Let's see... red wings, like mine when you don't count the colour. When I got my quirk I also mentioned it worked the same way as his, except for the fog. Uhh... golden eyes and hair the same colour as mine and his name was..." you paused, digging into your brain. "Keigo! His name was Keigo. I also wrote the name down just in case. Why do you ask?"

"We want to help you search for him," Mic answered. "And we might know-"

"I think that's enough with the depressing past talks," Aizawa said from behind the others' couch. You had noticed him halfway to your story but the others and him seemed invested so you continued.

"Since you didn't do it yesterday, you should design your hero costume now. Here's a paper and a pencil. Midnight, Mic, a word please," he said as the pros stood up and you thanked him for the paper.

"It's definitely Hawks! She even said his name was Keigo! [In this story, his name is known to other heroes only, not the public] And the description matched perfectly!" Mic exclaimed as quietly as possible for him.

Luckily they were out of your earshot. And even when you thought of following them with a feather for a second, you ended up not doing it since you respected their privacy and possibly the government's secrets.

"Mic's right on this one, Aizawa," Midnight backed Mic up.

"I know. But we still can't be a hundred percent sure until we've either got the files or when we've talked to Hawks about it. Besides, it would be smart to first talk to principal Nezu, then to Hawks and only when we're absolutely sure that he's her brother, we'll tell her. She doesn't need to be wrapped up in more problems or confusion than she already is," Aizawa said in his usual bored voice, earning two nods of agreement from his coworkers.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now