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You yawned, rubbing your head which was throbbing slightly. I must've fallen asleep by the blue bonfire.

Opening your eyes, you looked around. You were in some kind of bar, laying on a sofa. There were more people there too.

"Hello," you greeted sitting up.

"Oh, you're up," a black-haired man said.

You furrowed your brows at him. "Have we met before?"

"Yes. I'm Dabi," he said.

"Oh. I have a memory loss so it's going to take a bit of time for me to remember you, sorry," you said.

"I'm Tomura," a man with light blue hair said.

"I'm Kurogiri," the mist said.

Your eyes widened. "I remember now! You two took me to train me to be a hero."

"Anything else you remember?" Tomura asked.

"Nope. I only remember you took me to make me a hero, we had tons of fun playing board games and training and BAM next thing I know I'm at U.A! So it's only logical to assume you helped me there," you said, smiling broadly.

"What about the U.S.J?" Tomura asked.

"That was training, the others told me," you said without missing a beat.

"And the Stain incident?" he questioned.

"Who's Stain?" you asked, genuinely confused.

"And Kamino Ward?"

"Kami- what now? The only Kami I know is Kaminari," you laughed in the end.

"Nothing, nothing," Tomura said. "Well. Welcome back then."

"Come on, Y/n! Let's go to my room to talk!" Toga said, hopping closer to you.

"Okay," you smiled.


"Okay, Y/n! We're going out, stay here," Dabi said.

You smiled. "For how long?"

"We'll be back the day after tomorrow," Kurogiri informed. "Woman the fort until then."

"You got it," you saluted.

As they were gone, you got bored. You know what? I'm sure they won't mind me going to visit dad and the others for a while... In fact, do they even know I'm here? Probably, I'm sure Tomura and Kurogiri told them I was going to be back here to train with them.

You went out the door and rose into the air. Where even am I?

You looked around for any signs. Hosu? Maybe I can ask for directions. Wait! Dumb me.

You weren't wearing your hero costume but you always wore your visor and headphones to morning flights. Your hero costume visor and headphones.

"Hey, Bee? Please show me a map to U.A dorms."

A map appeared in front of your eyes.

"Thank you."


You stepped in the dorm house. "Hi guys!"

"What?! Y/n?! Where have you been?!" Kirishima yelled, scrambling up from the sofa.

"Oh. I thought they told you," you frowned in confusion. "I- I went on a morning flight, saw blue fire, and went to sit by it since I was cold. Next thing I know, I wake up back at the League and they tell me I'm there to train to be a hero. Just like old times."

Iida stood in front of you. "Y/n, they are dangerous people!"

You furrowed your eyebrows. "They are?"

"Come sit down," Kirishima instructed caringly, taking your arm. "Iida, go get Mr. Aizawa."


"Why are you saying the League are bad people?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Or... Or is there something you haven't told me?"

Aizawa sighed. "Y/n. You have to trust me on this, okay? I'll tell it to you briefly. You were taken by the League. And they started using you like a labor experiment. They attacked the U.S.J and made All Might retire. They are bad people."

"But-" you started. "Why don't I remember it going that way?"

"Because what they injected into you was too much for you to handle. The incident where you lost your memories was what put you in a coma. You were shot by a quirk nullifying bullet. Luckily, only whatever the League injected disappeared. And it took the memories directly attached to it with it. I don't know why you don't remember the U.S.J. Maybe it's because it was so little after your last labor session," he explained slowly.

You frowned as your mind was going at light speeds to make sense of the situation.

You blinked, starting to tear up due to frustration and confusion. "Does that- Does that mean that all my memories are fake?"

"No! No, it doesn't," he quickly denied. "You remember right. Just not enough. You don't remember the bad things. You just have to trust us that it happened, okay? And if you need confirmation, I'm sure we can find you the footage of when it was on T.V, okay?"

You sniffled. "Okay. I trust you."

He hugged you. "That's good. And don't worry. You're strong. You'll get through it."

He stood up from your bed. "Get some sleep. You'll be back in school tomorrow."

You nodded. "Okay. Good night, dad."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now