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[Midoriya had his Y/n arc lol]

Media 101.

You sighed. I hope I have Keigo's genes here because if I don't I'll be screwed.

"Shoto, you first," she said.

"My goodness, you were amazing out there."

"What are you talking about?"

To sum it up, he was too dense for the exercise.

"Y/n, you can try next," Mt. Lady said, making you float up to the stage, the laid back smirk on your face and gloved hands in your pockets.

"You were amazing out there tonight!" Mt. Lady put up the act.

"What can I say? It's family tradition," you said with a carefree tone.

"Tell me, Y/n. Are you pressured to be Hawks' sister?" Mt. Lady asked.

"Actually no, it feels fairly good to have somewhat a path or inspiration in front of me. But that doesn't mean people can count us as one."

"Ooh and why is that?"

"Our fighting styles are different. Though we both prefer ranged and support combat, how we use our feathers is still different. In addition, my feathers are a tiny bit longer, making my wings a bit bigger than his. And of course I have my fog. And if you count in the ultimate moves, you realise we aren't as similar after all," you explained.

"What kind of ultimate moves do you have? Could you demonstrate?" she asked.

"She has six!" Kirishima yelled from the crowd excitedly.

"I do?" you asked. "I'm sure I have only 1. Feather Cage."

Kirishima's eyes widened. "Sorry. I forgot."

You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, looking down at your classmates. "Is there something you know about me that I don't?"

Your classmates gulped.

"How about you focus on the assignment for now?" Iida said.

"Alright," you shrugged. "Sorry about that. Anyways, as I was saying, I currently have only one ultimate move but it's very effective on small time criminals. Feather Cage. As for the demonstration..."

You trailed off, your sharpened feathers positioning themselves around Mt. Lady in an instant.

You could see her visibly shiver as you tightened the cage for fun.

You smirked. "If I needed to kill anybody, my feathers would pierce through them in an instant."

"Can you please take those away?" she asked nervously.

"Sure," you said casually. "Any more questions?"

"Good performance, Y/n! That's how you have to act during an interview," she praised.

"Thank you," you smiled.


"Merry Christmas everyone!"


"Eikichi!" you cheered, picking the boy up. "How you doing buddy?"

"I'm fine, Y/n. We're happy to be here."

"I'm glad to hear that," you smiled. "You want to go for a fly?"

"Yeah!" he cheered.

"Okay then."

You flew into the night with him.

"I've never flown with someone except my brother before," you told Eikichi while he was pretending to be a plane.

"So I'm special?" he asked with sparkles in his eyes.

"You're special," you confirmed.


Your gift for Christmas was a polaroid camera paired with a journal.

You smiled. It's perfect. Now I can always remember.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now