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"Y/n passes the physical part of the exam. You're all dismissed."

"Once the bell rings you should be in your seats," the door flung open.

Half a second later, everyone was in their seats in complete silence.

"Good morning. Unfortunately there are a few of you who didn't pass their final exams," Aizawa said. "So when it comes to the training camp in the woods - everyone is going!"

You bit your tongue to refrain from laughing at his face.

"The training camp focuses on building up your strength and those who failed need it the most. We were never going to separate you," Aizawa said.

You sighed. I'm starting to gain trust issues.


"Why doesn't class 1A go shopping together?" Hagakure offered.

"Yeah we have never hung out as a class before," Kaminari agreed.

"See you there Bakugo?" Kirishima asked.

"I can't think of anything more annoying."

You grinned at that.

"What about you, Y/n? You coming?" Kirishima turned to you.

"Maybe. I hope so though, it would be fun," you said.

"What about you, Todoroki?" Midoriya asked.

"I visit my mom on days off," he said.

That's so wholesome.


"Hey, Mr. Aizawa? Can I go to the mall with others?" you asked.

"Sure but you know the rules. Back by 7, don't do anything embarrassing or against the law and don't get kidnapped," he said, not looking at you.

You laughed. "Will do!"

You stepped out the door.

"Hey, N/n, where are you headed? How'd your exam go?" Keigo asked from above you.

You weren't surprised he was there. He said he would drop by whenever he can because you never know when he can't.

"I'm going to the mall to get stuff for summer camp. Exam went fine, passed with flying colours," you said with a smile.

"I'll walk you there," he said.

The walk went by with a chitter-chatter until he was very conveniently called for a mission right before you reached the mall.

"Bye, Dove, I'll drop by again sometime," he said, hugging you.

"Bye-bye, Kei. It was really nice seeing you," you said, squeezing your brother one last time before he flew off.


"Woah, aren't those U.A students?" a guy asked, pointing at your class.


"I saw them on TV!"

"The Sports Festival was super cool!" the three guys cheered together.

All the others got excited about being recognised but you just smiled and waved at the guys.

"Let's meet here around three!" Kirishima said since everyone was making plans.

"Sounds good!"

I'll probably just buy some new hoodies and shirts. Also a few pairs of jeans. Oh yes! And a bunch of snacks. Glad I have saved up most of my pocket money. Also some decorations for my room just because I want to... A plant would be nice.


45 minutes later, you had gotten yourself a new black hoodie and a (f/c) one, a few white t-shirts, two pairs of jeans and a monthly snack storage. Also a plant and some other stuff.

You had it all in two bags and a few feathers were holding the plant. Since you had time, you decided to just stay where you were.

You sat down on a bench and looked up at the ceiling.

"Hey, Junior."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now