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"Ryukyu," you got the attention of your mentor back in the agency. "We ran into Overhaul. I think we have some information beneficial for Sir Nighteye."

You stepped out of the house with Uraraka and Tsu. Midoriya and Kirishima were also there so you decided to head to your work studies together.


The big three were waiting at your destination.

"Ok what on Earth is going on here?" you decided to speak up when you stepped through the double doors.

"I have no idea," Mirio muttered.

"Me neither," Nejire muttered.

The meeting started.

As you were intently listening to what is going on, your head started to ache slightly.

You ignored it though.


What? Who the heck are you?

I'm the past wielder of your quirk.

What? No you aren't. The other guy is. The one with male voice. You have a female one.

Your other quirk.

No, that's my quirk.

The third one.

"The what now?" you asked out loud, interrupting the talking. "Sorry, go on."

What do you mean 'the third one'?

The voice chuckled. You don't really know what the league injected into you, do you?


Allow me to explain-

Yes, please. I'm very confused right now.

You have your own quirk, Fog Wings.


Then you have Falkor's quirk. Substance Bending.


And then. You haven't used it yet but you have mine. It's called History.

And what exactly does it do? you asked the voice in your head, rubbing your head.

Once every ten minutes, you can concentrate on a person to know something about them. One single thing. Anything from their past. Decisions, ex-best friends, intentions, yada yada yada or you can choose to briefly see an overview of their life. For me, it was very effective quirk to have during questioning. Also, you can see anything back in time from the point you last saw the person.

Aaaaaand how is that supposed to help me here? Who even are you?

I'm Histora.

And the other part???



"Are you kidding me?" you muttered. Nejire looked at you, a bit concerned.

"Sorry," you muttered. Concentrate on a person to know something... Uhhhhhh Eikichi. I want to know his life.

---"Here's your little sister, Eikichi. Her name is Eri."

"Eri? Where are mommy and daddy?"

"E-Eikichi. I didn't mean to. It-it's my quirk."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now