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You smiled slightly. I'll save them. Because I know what it feels like. How I wish someone had also saved me.

Back at school, you didn't talk as much. Your effort in everything was minimum. You even ate the minimal portions.

Right now, you were sitting outside under a tree, looking up at the sky. You knew Shinsou was worried about you and so was Aizawa but you didn't talk to anyone. You had one wish. One single wish. But you weren't ready to tell that to Aizawa yet. For now, everything going on with you was your own business.

"Hey," you heard a quiet voice from next to you.

You turned your head to see Tamaki. "Hi."

He eyed your bandaged hand. "You- You know, I get breakdowns often," he started. "And I know what it feels like so I was wondering... Do you maybe want to talk about it? Talking about it to Mirio and Nejire always makes me feel better."

You knew he had mustered up a bunch of courage to even approach you so you gave him a soft smile. "There's not much I can say. But thank you."

He nodded. "Is there anything you can say? I- I don't want to pry but I feel like it would make you feel better."

You looked at the grass. "To put it simply, I'm very confused about my quirk. Some people in my past put me through a lot so my quirk just keeps evolving and new ones keep manifesting. It's really overwhelming sometimes but I'm not used to showing my real emotions to people so it's hard to deal with it."

He nodded. "I understand."

The bell rang.

"Time to get back to class now," you said, standing up from the grass. "Thank you, Tamaki."

"No problem," he said softly.


It was late at night when you were woken by a call about the mission.

Needless to say, you didn't sleep anymore.


You were waiting outside the house.

Suddenly a creature barged out the gates.

Screw any orders, you transformed into dragon and rose into the air, turning invisible, waiting for the time to strike.

As you helped Ryukyu and the rest of her agency help deal with the villain, your thoughts were scattered all over the place.

Something didn't feel right.


Fighting one strong villain after another, the stuff outside started to calm down. You had obtained many injuries though. You had a huge gash on your back and one of your wings was slightly out of place.

Time went by quickly and the ground rumbled, partly breaking. [I'm mixing stuff up again]

"I'll take his quirk from him, Eri. Then he can't even save your hero friend," Overhaul said, aiming a bullet at Eikichi.

No! you flew in front of the bullet. It hit you. It stopped your wings for a second so you fell on the pillar in front of Eikichi.

"Even if I'll lose my quirk," you growled at Overhaul. "I'll assure everyone else gets theirs back. Run, Eikichi! Reverse the effect on Mirio."

You could feel energy slowly leaving you. You saw Overhaul start to fight with Midoriya for Eri in the air, Eikichi going to use his quirk on Nighteye and Mirio. You smiled, the blood from your head that hit the ground trickling down your cheek.

Even if I die now... I know it was worth it.


The fight was over. The kids had been saved and Nighteye didn't die. Mirio had his quirk and most of the heroes were in good condition thanks to Eikichi.

"Where's Y/n?" Tamaki asked quietly, looking around.

Mirio's eyes widened. "Oh no."


"Thank you, doctor," Aizawa said to the doctor who left the room, letting Nighteye, Eikichi, Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire, Kirishima, Midoriya and Shinsou come in.

As they gathered around your bed, Midoriya looked at Aizawa.

"How bad is it, Mr. Aizawa?" Midoriya asked.

The man sighed, looking down at you. "It doesn't matter if I tell you now, does it? She was taken by League of villains when she was a kid so she had a bunch of stuff injected into her."

The others' eyes widened.

"Thanks to that stuff, she still has her original quirk. Fog Wings. But anything else, the dragon, the things, the knowing is gone," he made a pause. "Right now, she's in a temporary coma. She should wake up in around a week. The bad part is that she'll most likely have severe memory loss. The doctors doubt she'll remember anything besides how to talk. They say that she can regain her memories but that it could take a lot of time to fully remember everything."

Though he kept a straight face through it, everyone could hear the pain in his voice. The truth is, he was pained to say that.

"I'm- I'm sorry," Eikichi sobbed quietly. "I tried to help her but my quirk wouldn't work."

Aizawa sighed, patting the boy's head. "It's okay. The injections are to blame for that, not you."

"So," Midoriya started. "She won't remember anything? At all?"

Aizawa nodded, picking Eikichi up. "She might never remember everything either. But the doctors are sure she'll come to remember the bigger and more important things eventually."

All the people looked down at you.

After a bit of silence, Kirishima sighed. "We should go. Either way, we couldn't do anything but wait."

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