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You nodded and finished maths, starting English.

"Alright, put your pencils down," Aizawa ordered. You put the final dot, correcting a wrong answer and sighed.

It's over.


The whole U.A staff was standing in front of the class. Except for All Might but he'd probably make an entrance.

Don't tell me...

Yes tell you. You were up against U.A teachers.

Who did they put me up against... It might be All Might because he's the strongest but I doubt that. Maybe 13? Actually, it could be anyone...


1st: Kirishima and Sato vs Cementoss.

2nd: Tokoyami and Tsu vs Ectoplasm

3rd: Ojiro and Iida vs...

I forgot the name, you mentally groaned.

4th: Yaoyorozu and Todoroki vs Aizawa.

That makes sense... he trains with me most of the time so I would know his fighting style too well.

5th: Uraraka and Aoyama vs 13

6th: Mina and Kaminari vs Nezu

7th: Koda and Jirou vs Mic

8th: Hagakure and Shoji vs Snipe

9th: Sero and Mineta vs Midnight

10th: Midoriya and Bakugou

That's not going to end well.

vs All Might

Even better! That was sarcastic. Wait... What about meeeeeeee?

"Y/n won't be taking the exam," Aizawa said and then left along with the teachers.

You caught up to him since he was falling a bit behind the other teachers. "Why not?"

"Not to worry you or anything but there have been multiple reports of villains going around and asking for you. It's been kept low in the media though. Last of the reports were really near here and I'm not letting you risk your life by taking an exam I know you'd pass. I know pro heroes are near but we can't be taking any chances if you get hurt or something like that. Or get separated from your teammates and then taken away. I hope you understand," Aizawa explained.

You smiled at the ground as you continued walking. "Thank you. But I still want to prove myself somehow. So the others don't think I just had an alibi."

He nodded. "I understand. That's why you'll be taking a physical test later. The others did it at the start of the year. If you place in the top 5 in the scores, you'll 'pass the exam'. That okay with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine," you smiled and hugged him. "I'll go join Recovery Girl to watch."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now