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Is that flames? It's blue flames... Oh no, oh no, oh no. What do I doooooo? Yes! I got it!

"Mandalay?" you asked.


"Can you give da- Mr. Aizawa a message for me, please?" you asked. "It's concerning the flames."

"Sure, what do I say?" she asked.

"Say it's from me and that the League is here," you said quietly, not to scare the other students.

Her eyes widened but she nodded.

You could see her concentrating to give the message so you took the moment to run into the woods.

They're most likely after me... And maybe some others who are strong. Either way, I have to notify all the people in the woods.

You flew to the air, careful not to go too high so you could be seen but high enough to see stuff for yourself, you also sent some feathers out to search for people to get out of the woods.

That's Kendo and some other people from class B! Out you go.

You noticed you snatched them right from under a villain's nose. I have to find someone to group up with. Oh! There's Todoroki and Bakugou.

They were running towards something. You flew above them. "Mind if I join? Maybe a boost?"

"Glad you're safe, Y/n," Todoroki said. "And sure, join and no, no thank you about the boost."

"Okay," you said, starting to run along with them on the ground. "So where are we headed?"

"We don't exactly know," Bakugou said oddly calmly. "Just seeing if we can beat up some villains."

You nodded.


Aizawa had given the permission to engage in combat.


You three ran into a villain.

Haven't seen him before... you thought, staying beside the ice shield. How I wish I had Bee right now, I could ask for an analysis.

Next moment, you all almost got pierced through by a chunk of metal again. You were glad you had gotten the unconscious person Todoroki was carrying to safety.

"This dude looks like a scrawny little sidekick to me!" Bakugou said.

You nodded. Glad everyone thinks they're after Bakugou... People don't restrict me from fighting now.

Bakugou kept wanting to blast the guy but Todoroki told him not to, because it could start fires. You felt helpless, you couldn't do anything in the situation.

You frowned. I won't just stand by. Taking two feathers from your wings and sharpening them to blades, you readied yourself for take-off.

"Y/n," Todoroki said seriously. "You can't go, you could get seriously hurt."

"I know. But you have to get out of here somehow. Besides," you put a hand near your wing, the feathers automatically withdrew from the place and made a hole - a new trick you had learned when pieces from Bakugou's blast flew towards you. "The only thing he can do to get me out of the sky is stop my wings. That could only be caused by immense pain in the roots of my wings." And I doubt the League would let me get too hurt.

As you were just about to take off again, Shoji ran towards you, carrying a very damaged Midoriya on his back. You ruined my momennnt...

"Bakugou, Todoroki! Give us some light!"

Only then did you notice the out-of-control Dark Shadow.

Wow well crap, scratch my moment then, you were still on guard about the metal-man though.

The Metal-Teeth man started fighting Dark Shadow. Big mistake. The dude was thrown into a tree.

Dark Shadow was still out of control though. But both Bakugou and Todoroki helped there.

You sighed in relief. Maybe going solo isn't the best after all...


You were face to face with Dabi and Compress. A few people had joined you along the way. [I'm changing stuff for the story's sake.]

Compress had Bakugou and Tokoyami. Dabi was keeping Todoroki and the others in a fire ring, fixing it every time Todoroki wanted to get out.

"Long time, no see, Y/n," Compress turned to you. You kept your guard up.

"Yeah. Don't you think that our meeting at the mall was cut a bit short?" Dabi asked.

You could see the others' confused faces through the fire. "Uhh, no? I was the one who cut it short."

Dabi smiled a bit. "Tongue as sharp as ever, huh?"

You frowned. "And so what? Afraid it will cut into your heart?"

He laughed. "Listen here. Be a good little girl and come with us like you almost did at the mall."


"Oh... So you want to do it that way?" he asked. "How about I burn your friends?" He started closing the fire ring.

"No!" you paniced. Crap. I showed a weakness.

He smirked. "Then come. With. Us. You know this is something you can't win."

You looked at your friends, the fire was dangerously close and Todoroki's ice just melted at any contact.

I'm so sorry everybody. Sorry Keigo, sorry dad. "Fine. But leave them alone."

"Compress. Make sure she doesn't cause any trouble."

Everything went dark and you disappeared from the others' view.

The fire extinguished.

"Now to deal with you guys," Dabi said lazily.

"Leave them, Dabi. We got what we wanted," Compress said, a portal starting to appear.

Todoroki ran forward.

He managed to grab one of the two pebbles that Compress dropped. Tokoyami.

Compress still had a hold of you and Dabi got Bakugou.

"Release them," Dabi said, making your friends see the face of Bakugou one more time. You were unconscious in Compress' arms and Tokoyami fell from the sky. Midoriya wasn't quick enough. Nobody was. The portal closed.

They stared into the distance. Everyone was in pure shock. Midoriya let out a scream of frustration.

"Come on," Todoroki said quietly. "We have to get back."


"Okay everyone, who is here?" Aizawa asked, checking in for the students.

I don't see the wings but they are probably just drooped. She is here. Just exhausted, he tried to assure himself.

Standing in front of the ambulances were everyone who were somewhat unharmed.

That was almost everyone of 1A.

"Sir," Todoroki spoke up. "All of us are here except for Momo, Jirou, Hagakure and Midoriya who were already taken away due to injuries. Bakugou... and Y/n were taken."

Aizawa's heart dropped but he kept a straight face. "Thank you, Todoroki. I'll go give the report to the police."

Everyone looked distraught. Kirishima looked at the ground, thinking. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should've been there. Dang it Eijiro, don't cry! Yes, you lost two of your best friends but they wouldn't want you to cry!

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