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"No, thanks."

"Good morning class. It's your second morning back so it's time to tell you what the extra break was for," Aizawa started, "Over the break and yesterday we were still preparing for this event. Welcome your new classmate, Shinso Hitoshi."

The class clapped politely as he stepped in. "You can take a seat on the extra desk," Aizawa informed.

He nodded before going to the desk that was the last in the row next to the window. Your seat was in front of him and to the right. In front of him was Todoroki.

"Hitoshi!" you whisper-yelled, leaning back in your chair. "Is that why you couldn't hang out with me more than that? Because you were preparing?"

He nodded before signaling to look at the front with his eyes. You nodded and turned back around.


"So, are you happy, Hitoshi? It's been your dream since I knew you and probably before," you asked after swallowing a mouthful of your lunch.

"Yeah," he nodded with a small smile before looking down. "And I'm also glad I get to hang out with you more now. Although I'm still not sure if I can keep up with you guys-"

You cut him off by ruffling his hair a bit, reaching your hand over the table. "You'll do just fine, don't worry. And if you ever don't understand anything, then I can explain. Although I think you might be ahead of us if anything with the non-hero stuff since that's what you focused on in General Studies."

"Okay, got it," he nodded. "'Ask for help if you need it'."

You reached your hand over the table. "Promise?"

"Promise," he said and looked at your hand. "Am I supposed to shake it?"

"Yup," you smiled.

He grinned crookedly. "But I know a stronger promise. It's a promise even stronger than the pinky promise."

"Oh! What is it?" you asked, curiosity in your eyes.

"Have you ever seen Harry Potter?" he asked.

"A bit," you shrugged.

"Okay. Then let me put your hand like it goes in the promise. You take the other person's hand like that and you're done!" he raised his look up and it turned bashful in a second. "Sorry, that's nerdish," he apologized, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand.

"I think it's kind of cool!" you said, smiling brightly at him. "So. Do you promise to trust me enough for me to help you?"

"I promise," he smiled.

"Great!" you exclaimed, letting go of his hand and turning back to your food. "Just know I'll be there for you if you ever need me-"

You were cut off by ringing in your ears. "What is it with my head these days?" you grumbled, shaking your head violently to make it go away. re...ene...ation 50% c...m...lete

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Hm?" you asked, the ringing in your ears disappearing and vision returning. "Yeah. Just another headache. I'm gonna get it checked out by Recovery Girl in the evening."

"Okay," he nodded, "just please don't be afraid to tell me when something's going on."

"I won't if it's something big," you promised. "But right now - just a headache, I probably haven't had enough water."

He nodded and turned back to his food.


"Hey, dad!" you greeted, poking your head in his room after he invited you to come in.

"Hey, Y/n. What's up?" he asked.

"I've just been experiencing some weird headaches and when Recovery Girl checked, she said nothing was wrong," you began, sitting down on the sofa he had in his room, "so I was wondering if there was maybe something you knew about it. You know - from before the memory loss."

His brows furrowed as he thought about it. "There isn't anything that could also affect you now so I don't know. Tell me if it gets weirder though."

You nodded, standing up. "Thanks, dad. I'm off to do homework now."

"Oh and by the way," he called when you were at the door. "Shinso's room is the fourth room on the boys' side on the 4th floor."

You smiled, standing at the door. "That's cool."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now