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Hmm, you thought, Wonder when's the next time I can hang out with Shinsou.

This training is going to be pretty dang boring... you thought, walking to gym Gamma again. At least I'm going to hang out with Shinsou later.

You were going to work on your ultimate moves today. I have an ultimate quirk so I don't see the point... maybe I can work on a blinding but not harmful plasma blast - that could actually be useful. Maybe something like I did while escaping... that was accidental though.

You exhaled through your nose, listening to your homeroom teacher answer another one of Iida's questions.


Hmm... let's see, you thought. One could be named 'Invisible stealth' when I turn invisible in the dragon one. I should figure out an offensive move for both forms and also a defensive one for human since I basically already have one in dragon.

"Quit thinking and work," Ectoplasm's copy said.

"I am working," you groaned. "Mentally that is."

"Tell me your ideas. I could help," the copy ordered.

"I was thinking of four moves in total. Both defensive and offensive for both forms. I have the defensive one for the dragon already but I'll have to figure out the others," you said.

"Good plan. Show me the one you've thought of."

The thing is you won't see me, you thought with a smirk, turning into a dragon and flying upwards. Coming down, you fired a semi-powerful blast and flew through it, turning yourself invisible.

From Ectoplasm's whole being you could see both confusion and surprise.

How do I make this wear off... Maybe it works like water, you thought, starting to shake yourself [Shake it off, shake it off~] after landing behind the copy. You knew it wore off so you turned back into human. Wait- what if I turn into human while being invisible? Guess I'll leave that for another day.

"That's called Invisible Stealth," you said sort of proudly, making Ectoplasm turn around, a bit startled.

"Good job," he praised. "Now for the other three. Do you have anything on your mind?"

"I do actually. It's also a defense for dragon form though," you frowned a bit.

"The more the merrier. Show me."

"Alright," you sighed, transforming into dragon again. Offensive for dragon... Maybe I could fire a bunch of plasma shots in a row... Focus, Y/n! Let's call this... 'Blinding blast'.

You focused. Come onnnn work! Charging a bunch of plasma into your mouth, you released it, concentrating on it not being too powerful. Blinding light filled the entire gym.

You blinked after turning back into human. "Well that worked better than expected."

"Whoever did it, that was awesome!" Kirishima yelled.

"Thanks!" you yelled back, turning to Ectoplasm's copy after. "That's Blinding Blast."

He chuckled. "Obviously. What's next."

"Plasma Rain. I'll try to fire a bunch of plasma blasts in a row for it to be distracting," you said.

"Okay, less talking," he said.

You rolled your eyes, transforming into dragon once again, rising up into the air.

Boom, boom, boom, pow, bam, kaboosh, you thought, firing blasts all around Ectoplasm's copy and the last one at him. He disappeared. Perfect. I understand why Bakugou likes blowing stuff up so much. Let's do it again!

You flew down to the teachers and nodded towards your platform. They seemed to get the message since a new copy appeared. You gave them a gummy-smile after retracting your teeth and flew up, only to be down again in the matter of seconds, asking for a new copy.

Aizawa sweat dropped. "How about you move onto a next move?"

You pouted but transformed back and flew up on the platform again. Now for moves in this booooring old form... Actually no this is also pretty cool. Wait! The feather cage!

You sharpened your feathers, putting them up in a ball around Ectoplasm. "Feather Cage. Offensive. Effective against criminals with a short-range quirk." After that, you charged all your feathers at the copy, making him disappear... again.

"I'd like a new one again, please!" you yelled down to Ectoplasm who nodded and sent another one.

"She's so fast. Has like 4 moves already," Midnight commented. The others nodded.

Defensive in this thought. Easy! Fog cage!

You formed a solid cage around Ectoplasm with your fog. You had improved the strength of it a lot since the Stain incident. "Fog Cage. Defensive. Effective for capturing. Duration depends on the opponent's quirk. Fog Shield works pretty much the same way but is - obviously - a shield."

Ectoplasm nodded. "Now let's work on strengthening these six. If you have any more ideas, let me know."


In the end of the time when you were supposed to make ultimate moves, you had perfected the 6 you had come up with in the start. You had been too busy to think of any more of them. [Though more will probably come in the story lol]

1st: Invisible Stealth - dragon form - turning invisible to sneak up on the opponent or sneak away - works as both defensive and offensive

2nd: Blinding Blast - dragon form - firing a bright-lighted but non-damaging blast to sneak up to the opponent or sneak away - works as both defensive and offensive

3rd: Plasma Rain - dragon form - firing a lot of blasts in a row to distract the opponent and if needed, hit them when the time is right - works as both defensive and offensive

4th: Feather Cage - human form - putting sharpened feathers in a ball around the opponent - works as both defensive and offensive

5th: Fog Cage - human form - forming a cage of solidified fog [technically ice irl but not in this story] around the opponent - defensive

6th: Fog Shield - human form - forming a shield to shield from opponent's attacks - defensive

You smiled, closing your notebook after writing them down. You couldn't forget your own ultimate moves now could you?

Also - at the moment, you hadn't made any changes to your costume - you didn't feel the need to. Besides - you still had school for more than two years so there was time to fully develop your costume.

"Oh I'm beat!" Kirishima exclaimed. "The training was rough!"

You nodded. "I had a lot of fun perfecting the 6 moves though - they aren't too strong yet but still very effective."

"Six?!" Kaminari exclaimed. "You have six ultimate moves?!"

"Yeah?" you asked.

"Some of us didn't even manage to perfect one!" Kaminari said exasperatedly.

"Oh," you realised. "But you still have time. We're still in school after all."

"Yeah!" Kirishima agreed. "But let's do our best in the licensing exam!"

You nodded with a smile. I'm glad I got to hang out with Shinsou before the exam... Though we just talked and ate ice cream in that cat cafe, I'm still really glad because we sure will be busy after the exam - there's no doubt about it.

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