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This kid... She's acting like a hero already.

You yawned as you walked to the U.A building. It was still the same Tuesday evening and you had some business to take care of before you could just laze around and catch up on things you missed.

As you walked into the teachers' common room with Present Mic, everybody was there. You felt a bit awkward with the silence so you decided to make eye contact with

any- and everyone in the room until someone said something because there was no way you were going to be the one to break the silence.

"Hello, young Y/n, how are you feeling? You took a very strong blow at the U.S.J," Mini Might decided to strike a conversation. Which you were very thankful for because this was getting annoyingly awkward.

"I'm actually doing better than I expected I would be," you smiled, plucking out some of the last unruly feathers. "And I have some information concerning the League's Location that could help."

You saw and felt the tension in the room rise after that.

"What information and how?" Mini Might asked.

"I put a tracker on them before killing the Nomu," you said, making the faces in the room turn somewhat hopeful. "The bad news is they destroyed it." The faces in the room saddened again. "The good news is that Bee was able to track down the latest location. They probably moved from the location after that but I think it could still be useful."

"You're right, Y/n. It could still be useful," Principal Nezu said. "Do you know the location?"

"Yeah, I have the coordinates. I'll send it to all of you," you said and pressed 'send' after copying it. You have had all of the staff's numbers on your phone since you got it.

"Thank you, Y/n," principal Nezu said and in a few minutes, the conversation resumed to somewhat normal. Probably what it was before you came into the room with Present Mic.

You sat down on a sofa next to now mummified Aizawa. "How are you doing?" you asked him. "I'm asking since quite honestly you look like a kid who dressed for Halloween a tad bit too early and now doesn't want to take the costume off."

Present Mic chuckled from beside you and Aizawa glared at you for the comment. The glare wasn't too serious, though.

"I've been discharged since Sunday and I'm doing good enough," he informed you. "By the way, we have a sports festival coming up in the end of the week."

You blinked. "We what?"


It was the next day and you almost got caught up with your classes last evening.

You and Aizawa were walking to class together when he suddenly spoke. "I didn't say it yesterday since too many people were around but I'm proud of you, kid. What you did was reckless but also very brave. I would be in a worse condition right now if you weren't there."

"Thank you," you said, genuinely. You had the urge to hug your somewhat father-figure but restrained it and instead opened the classroom door.

"Y/n!" Kirishima happily shouted. "How are you doing? You were so manly and strong back there!"

You smiled. "Thank you, Kirishima."

"Alright settle down. I know that with the Sports Festival coming up and Y/n being back you are excited but school is still important," Aizawa said when he came into the classroom.

You sat in your seat and gave Todoroki a warm smile as a hello, not daring to speak.

A smile ghosted his lips as he looked down to his work, relieved you were back and okay.


The day was over and you were bored out of your mind after finishing the homework.

You looked out of the window. The weather's nice. And just like that you were struck with an idea.

You went up to Aizawa who was sitting on a sofa and tapped his shoulder to get attention.

"Since you're my legal guardian and all, I was wondering if it would be okay for me to go outside for a walk or something," you said.

His face stayed emotionless as he thought it through. "Yeah, you can go. Just be back before 7, don't cause a scene and avoid places with too little people."

You nodded, understanding the conditions well. "Will do, no worries." After that you took a sweater from your room to keep yourself warm, put it on and off you went.

You checked your phone before exiting the school, making sure Bee was working properly.

As you stepped outside you were greeted by a breeze and smiled. It had been a long while since you last were outside so freely. Yes, you were probably still in danger of some sort but that could never be avoided, now could it? There were always villains and nobody was ever completely safe. They just acted like they were.

You stuffed your hand in your pocket and found a bit of money that Aizawa had given you. He called it 'the weekly pocket-money' or whatever. You were grateful for that though.

"Alrighty, I think I'll get a hot chocolate and then go walking to a park or something," you mumbled and made your way out of the school grounds.

Walking a bit on the semi-busy street, you noticed a little cafe to your left.

That should fit, you thought. You went inside and checked the prizes for go-to hot chocolates. You had just enough with a bit left over.

And I can get marshmallows in there too! you mentally cheered with a content smile, giving your order to the lady behind the counter.

As the cafe wasn't too busy, you soon got out of there with a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows. You made your way to a near-by park and trotted slowly on the road.

You took a sip of your hot chocolate and looked at kids playing on a playground. You smiled at how happy they were, wishing you had that kind of childhood.

Suddenly one of the kids fell, you automatically catching the boy with your feathers. Yes, you didn't have your license yet but it's not like you did anything big, right? You didn't engage in combat, you didn't kill or hurt someone, you didn't steal something, you didn't save a collapsing building so you didn't see the problem.

The kid landed safely and you went on with your trip, soon sitting on a bench by a pond.

You closed your eyes and enjoyed the peacefulness when you felt a presence come and sit on the opposite end of the bench.

You looked through your wings just in case, making sure it wasn't a villain before opening your eyes and facing the boy around your age. "Hi."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now