Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Over the next week Percy made the potion from the animagus book. He really wanted to know what animal represented him the most. He was sure most people would want to know that at least, even if they couldn’t become an animagus. He was almost finished it to. He just had to let it settle for the next three hours, after that he could have it any time. Definitely for the weekend as it supposedly took a few hours to get used to the change and start swapping between the forms. Good thing it was already Friday morning.

Going down to breakfast, Percy was surprised when, as soon as he sat down, an owl flew over and gave him a letter. He was even more surprised when he saw it was from Dumbledore.

Dear Lord Waytr,


I would like to discuss some things with you. As these things may take a while to discuss, I have told your teachers that if you are not in class that you are with me.  I would appreciate it if you would come as soon as possible.


Professor Dumbledore


P.S. I like caramel creams


As soon as he was finished with his breakfast, Percy made his way up to the headmaster’s office, his mother having told him the rough spot. When he got there his jaw dropped. Talk about speak of the devil.

“Mum? What are you doing here?”

“I came to see my godson. I’d be talking to him right now if it wasn’t for the headmaster here. HE refuses to let me see him for some messed up reason.”

“That’s stupid, why won’t you let her see him?”

“Because,” said Dumbledore, “he is currently living in a set of blood wards. If he no longer thinks of that place as home, because you offered him somewhere, then he would no longer have the protection that his mother died to give him.”

“Who are we talking about? You haven’t actually said a name yet.”

“Percy, it’s Harry, Harry is my godson.”

 “Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying that my roommate is my mother’s godson?” Asked Percy.

“And his parents were yours godparents.”

“Wait, professor, Harry was saying to me earlier that Voldemort used his blood in the ritual that brought him back, so doesn’t that mean that the wards are useless, since he has Harry’s blood too?”

“Normally, yes, but this type of ward is different. If the person is let in by Harry or his family then they can enter the home, but there are also wards that stop anyone with the Dark Mark from coming within a mile of his home, and I believe that Voldemort has the Mark too, just not on his arm, like the death eaters.”

That still doesn’t mean that Percy and I can’t take care of hm. He would be perfectly safe if he stayed with Percy at his summer camp, and once that’s finished, I was great at ancient runes, so I can put up some wards to stop anyone who possesses magic and has the intention to harm someone in the building from entering, the only problem there is it doesn’t stop mons – ahh, creatures.”

“If you are sure that you will take him, then I can put some wards around you home as well. That will stop anything with magic entering uninvited, that includes witches and wizards.”

“I will take him if he wants to live with us, but why would he want to live with me if he’s living with William?”

“H-he’s not living with William. He disappeared around the same time that you left. He’s staying with Petunia and her family.”

“WHY DID YOU LEAVE HIM WITH HER?!! You know how she is with magic, it’s a wonder he’s still alive if he stayed with her.” This was the first time that Percy had seen his mother angry. Usually she never raised her voice and calmly talked things out. HE never wanted to see her angry again.

Dumbledore’s eyes lost the twinkle that Percy had started to link with them. “I left him there because, if he had stayed with a wizarding family, then they would have never punished him, fearing that his magic would lash out and attack them or their family, or they would kill him to get revenge for their master.”

“That is no reason to leave a child with those monsters!”

“Mum, how bad are they, really?” Percy asked, scared for his godbrothers safety.

“They hate magic, and anything to do with it. If Harry was raised by them, he won’t be in the best of shape.”

“Then we need to take care of him, we can’t leave him there.”

“I’ll need to meet him first Percy, make sure he wants to come live with me, you won’t be here all summer remember.”

If you wish, you can speak to him now. I’ll just send Lord Waytr with a note, so he can collect Harry, then you can speak. If you want to do it privately, I’d suggest the heir dorms, as, as far as I know, only Harry and your son know the password.”

“Thank you, sir.” Said Percy politely.

Dumbledore quickly wrote a note in his loopy handwriting and handed it over.

“Mrs Jackson, if you would, nay you please inform me when you leave.”

“Of course.” And the Jacksons were out the door. Percy gave his mother directions and set off towards Transfiguration.

A knock at the door and a stern “Come in.” later aand Percy was handing over the note.

“Of course.” She looked at Harry, “Lord Potter, Professor Dumbledore has given you permission to go and speak with Lord Waytr about family matters. For homework, from both of you, I want an overview of chapter four and a successful transfiguration of a a hand into a lions paw.”

“Yes Professor.”

When they were out of hearing range, Percy started. “OK Harry, we’re going to see my mum, she has an offer for you, and please, I want you to actually think about it.” Other than that, he didn’t say a word, only tapped his hand on his leg or fiddled with his pen.

After they got to the portrait, said the password (wattlebird), and got inside, Harry stopped dead in his tracks.

“I remember you, you were in my parents wedding photo!”

AN:// I didn’t realise this, and I guess you guys didn’t either, but I forgot to make Harry Lord Black as well as Lord Potter and Lord Gryffindor. On another note, I had fun visiting my grandparent, I also saw a couple of my cousins I haven’t seen in years and I went camping with them and my anut and uncle, we went out crabbing, that was a lot of fun, we caught fourteen blue manor crabs. I'd still like Ideas, but I think you'll like what I've got planned so far. Enjoy

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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