Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Even weeks after the ball, people were still discussing it. Ron’s birthday was a quiet affair, with him getting presents from them all. Percy, after hearing about him liking a Quiditch team called the Chudley Cannons, got him a book on the entire history of the cannons, from when they were thought up, the their latest defeat in the 2009 Quiditch World Cup.

After the next Gryffindor Quiditch game, which Gryffindor won by 30 points, Harry had another lesson with Dumbledore. When he got back he told Percy, Ron and Hermione, who were waiting in the Founders room, about how Voldemort had worked for a dark object dealer called Borgin, at Borgin and Burkes, and managed to steal the cup of Helga Hufflepuff and the locket of Salazar Slytherin from some woman called Hepzibah Smith. The final thing he saw was a memory of Dumbledore’s, it showed Tom Riddle, many years later asking to take the position of Defence teacher. He’d stormed out when refused and form that year on, no teacher had been able to stay on for more than a year.

Later on that week, after talking to Nico about it, he went to have a meeting with Dumbledore. He climbed up the revolving stairs after giving the griffin guard the password (Cauldron Cakes).

 “Enter.” Dumbledore answered calmly.

When he sat down after refusing a lemon drop Percy started. “Sir, I was wondering if have a couple of people from camp could visit. I want to talk to one of them and the other asked if I could ask you and I’ve forgotten until now.”

“This is very unusual, but then so is having a Lord of two ancient and noble houses as a student. I believe that I can let them in, may I ask who these people are?”

“Um, Nico di Angelo and Chiron. And maybe Annabeth could come back?”

“Ah, Chiron has been curious about this place since it began, and I would have liked to talk to Ms Chase, though I will need to know more about Mr di Angelo, but there should be no problems, if they don’t cause any disruptions to the students. But, yes they can visit, will this weekend be acceptable?”

“Thank you sir, and yeah it should be.”

“Goodbye Mr Jackson.”

“Goodbye Professor.”

Once he was down the stairs he ran as fast as he could down to his room and made a few IMs. First Nico telling him when he could come  and checking if he could bring Annabeth and Chiron, second was to Chiron, telling him that if he wanted to visit it had to be on the weekend coming and asking him to pass the news along to Annabeth for him, as he was running low on drachmas. He made sure that he timed his visit so that he wasn’t waking either of them up but Nico still seemed grumpier than usual. They both accepted, and Percy was looking forward to Saturday so he could show them around and enjoy some more time with Annabeth, the ball had shown him just how much he really missed her.

AN:// The next chapter is going to be all about the weekend and their visit to Hogwarts. And, I’m going to be having exams soon, so I don’t know how I’ll be able to keep up. One final thing, I wanted to know if anyone had looked at my Rise of the Guardians Harry Potter Crossover. As I said in the chapter I posted, I won’t be doing anything on it ‘til I finish this, but I wanted to know what you guys thought.

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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