Chapter 7

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As soon as they got back to their compartment the train jerked and started moving again. They were all lounging around and Percy was just about to fall asleep, but was kept from one when a scared third-year knocked on the door.

“What do you want?” Draco snapped at the girl.

“I’m supposed to give these to Blaise Zabini and Perseus Riddle.” She said, handing them some rolled up parchment tied up with purple ribbon.

“Fine, you’ve delivered them, now scram.” Said Blaise, scaring the girl off.

“What are they about?” asked Draco

“Well,” said Blaise, “it seems we’ve been invited to a lunch with a new Professor. Professor Slughorn.”

“Well let’s go.” Said Percy.


And they got up and went down the train trying to find the right compartment. When they got there they saw that there were two other boys looking like they were from seventh year. One was a little on the skinny side,

“Hello, hello. And you two are?”

“I’m Blaise sir, and this is Percy.”

“Ahh, Perseus, I’ve heard that you are new this year, I’ve seen the results for your classes, and my god they were good.”

“Thank you, sir, but I prefer to be called Percy.”

They quickly sat down and they were soon joined by a redheaded girl, called Ginny. She had a fiery temper, if what Professor Slughorn said about her was true, but she seemed confused when she saw Percy. Her eyes hardened when she saw Blaise next to him.

“You’ll get a lot of that if you hang out with us,” Blaise whispered to him when he saw where he was looking, “the other houses don’t really get along with Slytherin. They think that because we care about blood purity we are cruel and don’t care about anyone.”

“Well, I’m used to being the bullied person in school. I got used to it after I couldn’t hold a school for more than a year.” Percy whispered back.

“You mean you got bullied.”

“Yeah, but that was a long time ago. I got used to it.”

“You shouldn’t have had to. No one should.” He said gravely.

Their conversation was interrupted again when two more people walked in. One was a boy who looked like he had the same trouble with his hair as Percy. He had emerald green eyes and looked quite pale and small, like he hadn’t eaten in a while. The other was a boy with a round face, and he looked to be a little clumsy, but he had the same air as Katie, the daughter of Demeter. They both sat down opposite to Percy and Blaise. They glared at Blaise but were curious about Percy, having never seen him before.

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