Chapter 20

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The next morning Percy was moving the stuff in his room around, giving himself some space, in case he was too big. Soon all his stuff was pushed to one side. He gulped down the potion and let his mind relax. He sat there for nearly an hour, constantly twitching, breaking his concentration. Finally, as he was just about to give up, so he could try again another day, when he started to see a form appear in his minds eye. It was jet black, grey streaks just below the ears, with sea green eyes like his own. He could see its legs, four of them, all ending in furry paws. He took in all the details of his jaguar form, and was soon up and grabbing his book to get the spell he needed so he could change.

Finding it, Percy grabbed his wand and called out softly, so as not to wake Harry, "Da mihi formae animalis."

As soon as the last letter was out of his mouth he doubled over in pain. He could feel heat rising through his gut. It reminded him absently of Circe's spa, when he was turned into a guinea pig. He could feel me skin being pulled in every direction, his bones breaking and being fixed in a different position. His back gave a slight tug, telling him what was going to happen, then it felt like Hagrid was trying to pull out his spine. He felt his knees break, and he fell to the floor, and his knees reversed direction, and finally, it all started to stop. He lay there for a moment, letting the pain fade. As soon as he was able he tried to stand. He immediately dropped back to the floor, not knowing where to place his feet. It took him a while, but he eventually managed to stand.

Once he was standing, he tried walking. That ended with the same results as standing. His face arguing with the ground and losing. Eventually he got it down, but it was slow going. When his stomach growled, reminding him that he'd missed lunch while learning to walk, he tried to remember how to change back. All he could remember was that he had to concentrate. While trying to decide what to do, he heard Hecate in his head. To change back, all you need to do is concentrate on your human form and release your magic, the same for when you want to become your animal self. That is something you should have remembered from the book. Feeling slightly stupid, only slightly, Percy for lack of better words, grabbed his magic and held it around his chest new barrel chest. He concentrated on what he looked like. Shaggy ink black hair with grey streaks on either side at his temple, tanned skin from all the summers spent outside. And sea green eyes, changing to suit his mood, forever shifting. He concentrated o his image down to the scar on his hand from the pit scorpion and all the other scars he'd gained from living as a demigod.

When he had the image fixed, he let go, let his magic swirl around him and change him back. He could feel the pain, but it was weaker, dulled by the magic and by the body knowing that it was going back to how it was meant to be. When the magic stopped changing him, he stood, and almost fell over, still getting used to his own way of standing again. When he could walk properly once more, he walked back over to the book, to see if there was anything else he needed to know.

All he found was that for a while, until his body got used to changing, he would still feel the pain when changing, but it wouldn't be for to long, his magic would help stop the pain early.

That being discovered, he wrote a letter to his mum and dad.

Hey mum,

I figured you'd want to know, I managed the transformation. I'm a jaguar. Dunno what that says about me, I'll let you figure that out.


Sending something similar to his dad, both with Κυμα, Percy packed all his stuff up, bottling his potion and using a stasis charm that the book recommended to keep it to possibly share with others.

Realising he was hungry, and that lunch wouldn't be ready for another couple of hours, Percy ran down to the kitchen to grab something. Just as the house elves gave him he remembered that Snape had wanted to talk to him last weekend, and he'd completely blown him off.

After gulping down his lunch and checking his map, which he always carried with him, he bolted to the Defence professors' office.

When he knocked, he heard a quiet "Come in"

When he entered he saw Snape closing a draw on his desk, shutting whatever it was out of sight.

"Lord Waytr, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Even Percy could hear the sarcasm dripping off that sentence.

"Well sir, I remember that you wanted to speak to me last weekend but I was busy and didn't come. So I thought that if you weren't busy we could have the talk you wanted to have now."

"Well, I wanted to ask you how you can do non-verbal magic. It's quite advanced and to be honest, I didn't expect any of the students to get it, not even a home schooled one."

"Well, non-verbal was something that my tutor covered a lot, I can do it pretty well, as well as a few of the spell your teaching now."

"Well then, can you perform the Patronus Charm?"

"Uh ..." That is one were you concentrate on your happiest memory and incant 'expecto patronum'.

"Yes, sir I believe I can." Seeing the gesture, he concentrated on the kiss from in the lake with Annabeth, he shouted, "Expecto Patronum!"

A great misty white stallion burst from his wand and galloped around the room, finally stopping, tossing it's head and letting Percy stroke his muzzle, before dissipating.

Snapes face showed how shocked he was before it went calm. HE asked "Would you be able to tell me the name of your tutor, Lord Waytr

"Umm, -" Perseus, say that I am your aunt Vadoma, tell him that I'm a friend that  your father sent to tutor you and that you have no way to contact me. "My aunt Vadoma taught me, she was sent by my dad when I was eleven, but I don't see her since I got my Hogwarts letter and she never gave us a way to get in touch with her."

"Very well, what's your opinion on Dark curses."

"I think that Dark is only a matter of opinion sir. I mean, the Killing curse can be used to kill, but so can the lumos charm. If you get someone standing next to a cliff, then you over power the lumos, they can stagger around and fall off.

"That's a good opinion to have, but not something that you should advertise around, you won't make to many friends with the light wizards if you say that. I believe that that is all. You may go now."

Just as Percy was turning to leave Snape said, "Wait, while I remember we have a meeting tomorrow night. I expect you to be there. Even if you're a lord, your still one of my students."

"Yes sir, goodbye."

Percy quickly turned and left, wondering why his Defence teacher was so interested.

AN:// 'Da mihi animalium formus' means, roughly, 'give me my animal form' in latin.

Sorry I didn't post last week. I, quite literally, had nothing, so I had to wait to give it to you. It is a bit short but I hope you like it.

jazzcat224 what did you mean 'Uh voldemorts not like that just saying...'. I'll mention now, I'm not J.K.Rowling so obviously the characters wont act like how they do in the books.

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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