Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

As soon as the words were out of Snapes mouth Percy was struggling to get up, but Dumbledore’s hand on his shoulder stilled him.

“Professor! Just give me some Ambrosia before I summon it myself!”

“Percy, please, just rest a few - ”

“No! If I wait, then someone will get hurt, and I can’t let that happen.”

“Your fatal flaw?” asked Dumbledore.

“Yes, now what’s your answer?”

“I’ll get your ambrosia, but you will wait here.”

“No thanks sir, I know that trick, you pretend to go get it, but you actually go to the Astronomy tower to deal with the Death Eaters.” Dumbledore gave him a sad smile.

“Percy, please, it’s too dangerous for you to go there, especially now with the potion in your system.”

“Can’t Professor Snape make a potion to clear out my system of unwanted potions?”

“Wehonestly don’t know if it will try to purge you of your godly blood as well as the potion. Please Percy, just wait here. When this is all over we will be able to clear your body of the potion safely. Professor Snape may be able to make you up an antidote. Please Percy.”

“Ok.” Said Percy reluctantly.

The headmaster handed Percy a vial filled with a pale blue potion.

“This is a dreamless sleep potion, it does what is say on the label, this way, you won’t have to worry about what I’m doing and you can get your strength back faster.

When it was passed to him, he gave it a quick sniff. It gave of a smell like lavenders in bloom. Giving Dumbledore, Harry and Snape a toast, he drained the vial. All the lights around him started winking and waving, while everything else started getting fuzzy. He felt like he was falling and everything went black.


Percy felt himself being roughly shaken awake, but he felt too comfortable to get up. He was still tired dammit.

“Come on Percy, we need to hurry!” a familiar voice whisper-shouted.

“Go ‘way, jus’ gimme a few more minutes.” He muttered, still half asleep.

“Percy if you don’t wake up right now I’m taking away your skateboard for two months after the school year.”

That woke him up.

“I’m up, I’m up, don’t take my skateboard.”

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