Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

“I remember you, you were in my parents wedding photo!”

“You have that picture?” Sally asked.

“Yeah, Hagrid gave it to me at the end of my first year, he’d sent letters to my parents friends and asked for letters I was wondering who they got them from, since they couldn’t have only gotten them from Remus, but he’s the only friend I’ve met, other than.” Harry cut himself off, not finishing what he was going to say. A look from his mum stopped Percy from asking him who.

“I’m sorry about what happened to Sirius, I got on well with him.” She said, tears glimmering in her eyes. “I’m sorry I never took you away from the Dursley’s. I always thought that if your parents died you’d either go to Sirius, William or me, since we were you godparents.”

“What do you mean? Who’s William? My mum didn’t have any other siblings, did she?”

“No, he’s your father’s brother. You mother only had Petunia as a sister. You should have gone to him though, he’s only a couple of years younger than me and your parents, so around ... 33 now, I think.” She said, hesitating at the end.

“Why hasn’t anyone told me about him?”

“Well, after he graduated, he started travelling the world. He only really just started when you were born and, if I’m remembering right, he was in Hobart when he sent his last letter to me. After that I didn’t get anything, though he had said that for a year or two he wouldn’t be taking or sending letters.He was there for your parents wedding.”

“He isn’t in the picture I got.”

“William had always been camera shy, he always avoided pictures, and I think you’d only have on portrait of him in the family vault. He also had to catch the plane soon after the wedding, so he used that excuse.”

“Why didn’t Sirius or Remus ever talk about him? Or you?”

“Well, they probably didn’t think I was alive, they hadn’t heard from me since your parents wedding. As for Will, since he didn’t send letters, even after he took the mail ward down, they probably thought he was dead too. If you want, I’ll send him a letter; ask him to meet us in Hogsmeade next Hogsmeade weekend. When is it?”

“It’s mid-October. Do you think he’ll come?”

“Yes, I’m sure he’ll come, he might even take you away from the Dursleys”

“Oh, mum about that. We were wondering if Harry could come to our place for at least part of the holidays. He might be able to come to camp with me. You really seemed to agree when I mentioned it in Dumbledore’s office.”

“Percy, we’ll talk about it when we see Will, I don’t want to get your hopes up, but I think Will’ll agree to it. I’ll see you guys next month.”

“Bye mum, love you.”

“Bye Mrs Jackson.”

“Please Harry; call me Sally. Ok?”

“Um, ok, bye Sally.” When she got up, she motioned for Percy to meet her outside. He turned to Harry.

“Well, do you want to talk or do you want some time alone? I’m pretty sure Hermione will tell the next teacher what’s going on if you wanna stay here for a bit.”

“I think I’d like some alone to think, thanks.”

“Ok, cool, I just need to go take care of some stuff; I’ll come by around lunch and get you if you haven’t turned up.”

He quickly walked out into the hall.

“Come on, we need somewhere private to talk. Room of Requirements should do.”

The walk there was silent except for the sound of their shoes pounding on the stone floor.

Once inside a room that looked almost identical to their living room at home, they sat on the chairs and looked at each other.

“Percy I want to talk to you about some stuff, First among them is; have you found the chamber of secrets?”

“Yeah, Lady Hecate told me about it. She sent me a letter with a spell and a book.”

“What was the spell and what was the book about?”

“They spell was just to give me a map of the school, it shows me were everyone is, so I can get around and fight any monsters that turn up. The book was one on how to become an animagus, I’ve almost finished it, I’ve just gotta let it sit. Why?”

“I was worried that she might have done something to you. What she gave you is probably what the marauders and I used. Would you be able to grab it for me?”

“Of course, just give me a sec.” He was back at the rooms and rummaged through his trunk after passing through an empty common room. Once he was back in the Room of Requirements he handed it over to his mum.

“Yeah, I was right, it’s the same one. James grabbed a copy from the Potter family library. I wonder what animal you’ll be, I was a horse, James was a stag, Sirius was a grim, and Peter is a rat. Remus is a werewolf, that’s why they became animagi, so they could be with him on the full moon, but I became one cause it was something hard to do. Something that the guys never knew was that Lily and Will were animagi as well, she was a fox. You think you can tell Harry? What’s with the titles, I didn’t want to ask in front of Dumbledore?”

“Harry and I both claimed our lordships, dad took me to Gringotts to get mine and the goblins came here to give Harry his, this happened last week, I thought that I sent you a letter about it.”

“Nope, never got one.”

“Well, I’ll tell Harry about his mum and uncle later, when he’s had a chance to think this all through.”

 “That’s probably a good idea. Well, Honey, I’ve got to go now, I’ll see you in Hogsmeade.”

“See you mum.”

AN:// I'd like suggestians on Uncle Willam. I don't know how to get him to meet harry or what he's going to look like. I know it's still really early, but i was wondering if you guys wanted me to go on to seventh year

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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