Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

“Harry, just bond with him.” Said Percy. And , slowly, as though he mught be approaching a wild beast, Harry put his hand out, cut it, and had Fawkes place his over the top of it.

There was a slight pulse of magic, and Harry stared at Fawkes for a minute or so, with Percy twitching the whole time.

“Come on you two, that’s long enough for the bond to cement. We need to work out what we’re doing now, and then we can all have a nice place to sleep.” Theron called out.

“Wha- What do you mean?”

“You’ve been sitting there for a couple of minutes, Percy was getting twitchy, and anyway, we need to plan.”

“What are we going to do?” asked Draco.

“Well, for the rest of the school year, we’re going to act normal, at the end, Harry your going to your uncles, Percy your going to your mum, then camp half-blood, Draco, I’m hoping we can get you to one of theirs, that’ll mean that you won’t need to go to you family and Voldemort,” he ignored Draco flinching and continued on. “I will be going back to Olympus to see if I can get any help from them, from what I’ve gathered dad’s going to be pissed.”

“Why?” Asked Harry.

“Well, my dad’s Zeus, king of the gods, so when someone makes a bid for immortality it pisses off dad and uncle Hades, uncle P isn’t as bad, but he’s still gonna be upset, to make it worse he’s your grandfather Percy - ”

“I don’t consider that thing my grandfather”

“Good. That’ll make it easier for your dad to help us. Either way, I’ll need to go to Olympus, when I do; I need you to talk to Chiron for me. If he talks to my dad about you demigods knowing about me then dads more likely to do it. Finally, Harry, who are you planning to take with you?”

“What are you talking about? What’s his about Olympus and gods and Zeus? They’re just stories, they don’t really exist!” Draco exclaimed.

“They do exist, and some of them get extremely upset when someone says they don’t, especially when said person has proof.” As if to prove his point, a booming thunder rolled across the castle

“How can they exist?”

“How do witches and wizards exist?” Percy countered “Honestly Harry, he is so like Hermione sometimes.”

“Hey, I am Not, like her, I don’t like to stuff my head in a book and ignore the world for hours!”

“She’s not that bad.”

Percy and Draco didn’t respond to that.

“Let’s move on, what do you think?” asked Theron

“Ok, what do you mean, who am I taking?”

“When you go to find the Horcruxes?”

“Wait, who made Horcruxes?” Asked Draco.

“Voldemort.” Percy replied.

Malfoy just sat there, gaping.

“Harry?” Theron Asked.

“I was planning on taking Ron, Hermione, Percy and maybe Jenny. But now that you’re here, I was sorta hoping you’d come too.” Answered Harry

“Of course, but it won’t be straight away, I’ll only be joining up with you after the school year would start. Even after talking to all the gods, I’ll have a few errands to run.”

With that they all sat in silence for a few moments, only the occasional trills from Fawkes breaking it.

After a while of sitting there Theron spoke. “I think the Death Eaters will be gone by now, I’ll return you to your dorms one at a time, keep the load light.”

And without another word he grabbed Draco and disappeared in a flash of light.

Percy and Harry sat there for a few moments in silence before Theron flashed in, grabbed them Harry and flashed him out. Soon after he came and grabbed Percy

It looked exactly the same as it had before, and Percy was quite suspicious, the saying “it’s quiet, to quiet’ popped into his head, but he dismissed it immediately, it wasn’t a bad thing to be cautious about going in if there were people after him.

“Before you ask Percy, yes I have checked for traps, why do you think I took as long as I did? I might not be as good as Hermes at delivering things, but I do pretty well.”

“Well, if there aren’t any traps, I’m going to sleep. Goodnight all.” Percy called out.

AN:// OH MY GOD. That was a hard chapter to write. I know it wasn’t that long, but that just seemed the right place to end it. I’ll try to be quicker about the next one, but I need to focus more of my attention on school, so I won’t be able to do much. I really feel like a Hypocrite, a little over a week ago I told you I was going to have trouble writing this chapter, then I finish it not long after.

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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