Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

He was standing at the end of a very long, dimly lit chamber. Towering stone pillars entwined with more carved snakes rose to support the ceiling, lost in the darkness. He started walking forward, his steps echoing off the shadowy walls.

When he drew level with the last pair of pillars, he saw it. An enormous skeleton ran along the floor. It was at least 40 ft long. He grabbed out riptide and uncapped it before walking up to it and seeing a splintered tooth lying a little bit away from it. Deciding to look around a little more, Percy found that there was a gigantic statue of a man with a monkey like face, standing there.

Hmm, worth a try Percy thought.

Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four, reveal your secrets.

As soon as he said that the statue opened it’s mouth, like something was meant to come out. Taking a quick glance around the room, he realised that that was where the basilisk lived. Deciding to try again.

Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four, what are you hiding?”

The statue then moved back, revealing a passageway. Keeping riptide out, Percy walked down the passageway. He occasionally saw a torch, but it was mostly just dark passageways. Eventually he made it to a room with four doors. One was red and yellow, next to it was a black and yellow door, then came a blue and bronze door. Last was a green and sliver door. Percy guessed that the doors represented each of the houses. Going up to the door for Slytherin, Percy tried to find a way to open it, but couldn’t. Deciding to come back to it he went to the other doors. They were all the same. He thought he might ask his mum or grandfather, maybe even Hecate, later, he went back out to explore the rest of the chamber. The only other room was the personal library of Salazar Slytherin himself coming off from a hallway that you had t be right in front of to see. There were rows upon rows of books. They all looked like they were written in Greek. He realised they were someone’s Journals. Picking the first one off the shelf, he saw that it was from very early on. It read:

Today the date is June the fifth,  the year of our lord 924. I have just found out that my mother, Trivia the Roman goddess of magic, gave me some siblings. They are Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw. We have talked at length and we all agree that we should go to the world of magic our mother has created and build a school to train the young children on how to control their magic. I get on quite well with Godric, he seems more like a brother than those I was raised with. I hope that we can find a place for the school to set up. I’m wondering if I should tell the others about me being able to talk to snakes. But I think I should wait, just a couple of weeks before I decide, I don’t know how they will react.


Today the date is August eighteenth, the year of our lord 924. I have decided to tell the others about my snake talk abilities, some of the wizards call it Parseltongue. I am hoping that I can find some more knowledge about it; I will have to check some of the older families’ vaults, as none of the scripts at the camp mention it. Some of the snakes are quite knowledgeable. One I met the other day was very good at singing songs, she came  from India. Speaking of snakes I have met, I have made a familiar bond with a Basilisk I found in the forest. We have also discovered a  place for the school to go. There is a castle that we can go to, it is quite large with four towers, a dungeon, a lake and a forest with a centaur population and there is a small, wizard only village nearby. I have noticed that the mist doesn’t work on the mortals here, but the wizards and witches all call non-magical people a ‘muggle’


There were heaps more entries, and they went on for the next few of years, and it looked like there were a lot of the books. Looking elsewhere he saw that there were old books of spells and potions that looked older than the ones Slytherin wrote in.

Deciding it would be a good idea to send a letter to his mum, Percy wandered back to the slide he came down on, keeping an eye out for anything he missed, and hissed “Stairs

Then slabs of stone jutted out of the wall, going up to make it easier. He quickly raced away to the Slytherin common room. When he finally made it down to his dorm room, he went over to Κυμα to give him a pat and a letter for his mum. The letter read;

Dear Mum,


I got into Slytherin. What house did you think I would get? I was just wondering what the headmaster meant when he was talking about granddad (gods it’s weird saying that without thinking of Kronos), he made it seem like he was dangerous. Then on the train, people were saying stuff about a boy called Harry Potter surviving something no-one had ever survived before. All this makes me think that both granddads are just as bad as each other in their own ways. Any way, I made a familiar bond with this phoenix, dad gave him to me, what do you think. His name is Κυμα. I hope you can answer some of my questions. Hope you and everyone at camp are ok.




P.S. I was also wondering about the talking to snakes thing, why haven’t I noticed it before.


Then grabbing the nearest piece of clean parchment, Percy recited the spell from Hecate.

“HAURIENDAM HOC AEDFICIO.” Quickly thinking of something he said, “Open.” in Greek

Once that was said, he saw ink tracing patterns along the parchment to look like Hogwarts, then the names of people started to appear. He saw Filch lurking around the library, some student’s hanging around the seventh floor, and a few people still at dinner.

Seeing that the spell worked, Percy thought of something to turn it off. “Close.” the same way

The ink slowly faded away leaving it blank

“I’ll need to remember not to use this one to do work.” Percy thought.

Checking the letter again to see what else was on there, Percy rifled through his trunk to find the animagus book and take alook at what he needed to do. It was called Becoming an Animagus: A Guide to Finding the Animal Within. After leafing through it, Percy got the basic idea. You needed to take a certain potion and meditate to find out what your inner animal was, after that you wait till you have the time to and cast a charm on yourself. You will find yourself in a place, it’s different for every person, and you will have to find your animal. Once found, you will go through the transformation and become that animal. After that, all you need to do is concentrate on what you look like as a person and you’ll change. Seemed pretty easy, but it was probably a weekend job. Then, stifling a yawn, Percy went to sleep.

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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