Chapter 6

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Getting to the train the next day was the easy part, the hard part was finding a compartment to sit in. Percy finally found an empty one to sit in and curled up to fall asleep, wanting the trip to go by quicker.

He was soon woken up by the mutterings of some people. He looked around quietly and saw there were five others in the compartment.

“Oh. Hello, Hope we didn’t wake you. We were just wondering if you were Perseus Jackson.” They said curiously.

“Uh, just Percy please, but yeah.” He said. “Just for the thought, who are you?”

The boy with the pointed face said “I’m Malfoy, Draco Malfoy,” pointing to the two bulky boys he said “this is Crabbe, and Goyle.”

“And I’m Blaise Zabini.”

“So,” said Draco, “We heard you’re our lord’s grandson, is it true?”

“Your lord?” Asked Percy. “Who’s your lord?”

“We mean He-Must-Not-Be-Named.”

“If you mean the guy with no nose who came to visit me and my mum in America, then yes.”

They all gasped when he said that. “Don’t insult him, he has a horrible temper. He’s been known to torture people for tripping over his familiar.”

“If he wants to keep my mum around and happy, then he won’t do anything to me.” He said. Seems I don’t just get my temper from dad then he thought to himself.

“The Dark Lord doesn’t try to keep anyone happy. He doesn’t even try with my aunt Bellatrix.”

"So why on the way here from America, did my mum say that he would do anything to keep her happy as a child. Hoping that she’d continue in his footsteps and take over wizarding America. Anyway, I’m tired, so I’m going to go to sleep.” And with that he promptly fell asleep.

Percy woke when he felt the train slow down. He sat up tiredly and asked “Are we there already? I thought you would have woken me before that.”

“No, we’re not supposed to get there until much later, it’s not even dark yet.”

“So, what, have we broken down?

“We must have. The last time this happened was when someone broke out of Azkaban and the Dementors, guards, were looking for him on the train. But that was three years ago.”

“Ok, so do we wait here or do we go up and ask what’s wrong?”

“I think we should go see.” Blaise suggested.

“Ok. Let’s go.”

After they got outside they saw that most people had gotten out of their compartments, looking around with fearful faces.

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