Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

When he got back to his room,Percy dumped his stuff and ran down to talk to Hagrid, as he hadn’t seen him in ages and he wanted to see if he liked the Animal Care Guide boo he’d gotten him. Harry had gone to talk to Ron and Hermione, hoping that the holidays had helped them get over their argument. When he got to Hagrid’s hut, he saw that he was just saying goodbye to Hermione.

“Hey Hagrid, Hermione!” called Percy.

“Oh, ‘ello Percy. How was yer ‘oliday?” Hagrid asked.

“It was good thanks. How ‘bout you?” replied Percy.

“It was good. Thanks fer the gift, I’ll prob’ly make good use of i’. Yeh shoulda seen the grea’ hall. It looked brillian’ if I do say so meself. ‘Ows ‘arry. I haven’t seen ‘im in a while?”

“He’s good. Do you have any new creatures, or do I have to wait ‘till class?”

“Oh, I’ve just gotten a new ...”


When he got back to his dorm, he noticed a message on the board;



If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before 31st August, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apperation Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apperation Instructor.


Please sign below if you would like to participate


Cost: 12 Galleons



That night, Harry had another meeting with Dumbledore. When he came back, he had the same look on his face as the last time, so Percy sat him down and had him go through what Dumbledore had told him. After they were through that, Percy said;

“Well, I’m now officially his Head of House. I can arrange a house meeting, I need to talk to him about some stuff anyway, like why he went for you and not Neville, not that I’m complaining, it’s good being your friend, but your parents probably wouldn’t have let you become friends with the heir to Slytherin and all that jazz.”

That got Harry to laugh. “Goodnight Percy, see you tomorrow.”

“Night Harry.”


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