Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Percy could see a door at the end of the corridor; it was a tall, dark wooden one, with snakes carved in, with a hooded cobra baring its fangs for the handle. Walking down, all the paintings along the side were empty, but there was a whispering, just indecipherable. When he reached the door he turned the handle, the door stuck a little when it swung in, and when his eyes adjusted, Percy wished that it hadn’t opened at all.


All he could see was fire. A breeze swept it out of the way and he saw Harry fighting Voldemort, surrounded by witched and wizards, and demigods in full armour, all of them fighting monsters that looked as old as time.


Then he felt a great pull coming from the setting sun, and everything blurred. He found himself in the ruins of what must have been camp half-blood. The buildings had been trashed, then burnt. The lake had been burnt dry and the trees had been uprooted, and were now laying strewn all over the place. There were craters all over the place. He felt the tug again and got a feeling of dread in his stomach, just before he vanished he saw giants, wandering over the battlefield.


This new place, while it looked a bit the same, it looked so different. There was only ash left of the buildings and the river now an empty burnt out groove in the ground. There was the carcass of an elephant lying over by the river. Then he saw them again, giants were arguing and fighting amongst themselves, but they didn’t look like normal giants. Form the waist up they looked normal enough, but smarter and more vicious, they had swords in their hair like razor sharp bows, below the waist they looked like dragon feet, strong, muscled and scaly, claws digging into the earth. Then he saw a face form out of the soil, and it laughed, and that laugh terrified him, worse than anything ever had.


Percy sat up sweating, gasping for breathe. He quickly got up out of bed and made a rainbow with the glass pyramid and Iris called Chiron.

“Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Chiron, camp half-blood."

“Hello Percy, may I ask you what’s wrong, you seem quite flustered?”

“I just had a dream sir; I don’t know what it means. I saw Hogwarts crumbling, with Harry and Voldemort in a duel, all these monsters were surrounding the place, fighting wizards and half-bloods, then I whooshed over to camp and all there was, was rubble.”

“That’s very disturbing, was there anything else?”

“Yeah, umm, I think I saw another camp, but it looked so different. Chiron, why was there another camp?”

“Was that all?”

“Yeah, I thi- no wait, there were giants walking through the camps. Chiron, what’s going on?”

“Don’t worry Percy, it doesn’t have anything to do with you, your just the messenger. I’ll tell the gods, and I’ll prepare camp, but there isn’t really anything that we can do. Goodnight Percy, I’ll be in contact later.” He waved his hand through the mist and cut the connection.

Percy, knowing he wouldn’t get anymore sleep, decided to go for a run as a jaguar. He walked down and saw Harry sitting on the couch.

“Hey. Bad dream?” asked Harry.

“Yeah, I get them sometimes, and I know I’m not going to get any sleep tonight, so I thought I’d go for a bit of a run, you wanna race me on your broom?”

“Yeah, sure. Why not.” He replied. “Just let me get my Firebolt.”


When Harry got back, he also had a piece of paper and a cloak.

“What’s with that stuff?”

“Its stuff we’ll need.”

“OK, whatever.” Percy turned around and quietly left the founder chambers, walking out. Under his breath he said “Open.”

With a quick look he saw that it was clear on this level, and set off. Motioning to Harry he said, “Come on we don’t have all night.”

“Uh, how do you know we won’t get caught?”

“I have a special map.”

“Huh, really, I have one to, where’d you get yours?”

“I made it with a spell my aunt showed me. Anyway we need to go, I’m not sure what the spell does, but it lets me see where everyone in the castle is.”

“I’ve got an invisibility cloak. We can use it so no one will see us.”

“Cool. Come on, we’d better get moving.”

Soon they were out the front door, having just missed Filch. In unspoken agreement they went down to the Quiditch pitch. Harry mounted the

broom and kicked off, while Percy concentrated, transformed and started running, even though he knew Harry would lap him quite a bit, since he wasn’t used to using four legs. They were out for a couple of hours, just running and flying, getting their minds off of what woke them

Eventually, at about four in the morning, Percy slowed down, stopped, changed back and collapsed, exhausted, saying, “Ok ... we  ... need to  ... get back to the castle ... I’m ... exhausted, I can ... barely breathe.”

“Ok, you need some help getting back?”

“No, it’s ... ok. Just need ... to rest.”

As soon as Percy could breathe fine, they were back in their respective beds, asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillows, nightmares forgotten.

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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