Chapter 4

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A couple of days later Percy was talking to his mum in the kitchen about how to explain it all to Paul after he got back from visiting his parents when he heard an owl screech from the window. Oh Hades. Athena's gonna kill me, I didn't think I'd upset Annabeth, apparently Athena thinks otherwise He thought jumping behind a couch.

"Percy," his Mum laughed as she went up to it to get a piece of paper tied to its leg, "you need to get used to owls. They're the main use of communication between wizards, and you can't use Iris Messages to contact me. Oh, this is the acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Do you want to read it?"

"Yes please. One question though, why do they call it Hogwarts? It sounds more like a disease than a school."

"Honestly honey I don't know, it's what the founders called it, and it hasn't been changed, there was no need." She said as she passed it over, casting a quick spell to help him to read it.

"Thanks Mum." Percy Said. It read:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr Riddle

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We wish to apologise that your letter came so late. We have only just received information that you have the magic to get into Hogwarts. If you have had any previous tutoring during this oversight, please send us a copy of all results via owl.

Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. We have also included a permission slip for Hogsmeade. Please get a parents or guardians signature for this. If you do not, you will not be able to visit the village. When you arrive you will go to Hagrid, the Gameskeeper. He will take you across with the first years to be sorted.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Head Mistress

"Hmm. Percy you should try asking Lady Hecate to give you an introduction into all this. She is the goddess of Magic after all."

"Yeah I'll IM her after we decide on what to tell Paul."


"Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Lady Hecate."

"Who is it that wishes to speak to me, I am quite busy so please don't take long." Said Hecate, wearing a dark blue business suit.

"Lady Hecate, I am sorry for the interruption but I wished to ask if you could help me. I recently found out that I was a wizard and I hope that you would be able to help me learn what a sixth year would know at Hogwarts before the school year starts."

"Ah. A son of Poseidon is also the child of one of my blessed this is interesting. I will train you but first you will have to get the supplies, I suggest Diagon ally. When you go to get your wand from Olivanders, tell the store owner that Trivia sent you. He will show you a special collection that will suit you more than his normal stock. I'm afraid I must go now. Tell me when you have all your supplies. Goodbye now, hero."

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