Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Valentines Day was getting closer, but it was a big shock when Dumbledore announced a Valentines Ball, most of the fifth year and ups were worried about it being something like Lockhart’s, and when it was explained to him what happened, Percy agreed straight away. He may like spending a romantic day with his girlfriend, but that was just over the top. It was going to be held on Valentines Day, there was even going to be a committee to help, there would be six students and two teachers. The students would be divided two ways, by gender and blood status. Dumbledore thought that that would help the students get the best of both worlds. That meant one male muggleborn, one female muggleborn, one male half-blood, one female half-blood and finally one male pureblood and one female pureblood. The teachers were just separated by gender. So far they had a Slytherin called Daphne Greengrass for the pureblood girl, Harry was the half-blood guy a Ravenclaw from Percy’s Ancient Runes class called Genevieve Heartwing was the half-blood girl. They were trying to get people who would get along to get the designs made, while the teachers would get the decorations up when the design were finished. McGonagall and Flitwick were the teachers involved.

As the day got closer, more guys were asking girls to the ball in the hallways, becoming more and more desperate. A lot of people had a shock when Draco asked Hermione to go with him, at first she was suspicious but she did eventually agree when she saw that he was being honest. Percy was going to ask Dumbledore if he could bring Annabeth over to dance, because there wasn’t really anyone in the castle that he wanted to take. He was ecstatic when Dumbledore said yes, so he went and gave her an Iris Message to get her to convince Nico to shadow travel her over. When everything was decided, Percy started digging at Harry to try find out what was going on. He wouldn’t crack! Eventually he decided he’d have to wait and find out when the Day comes just like everyone else.


Tonight was the night, and Annabeth had turned up just after breakfast and Percy had taken the day to show her around the castle. They’d had lunch down by the lake, in a little clearing by the Forbidden Forest that he’d found a few months before when trying to find somewhere to train (He’d ended up using a classroom that Dumbledore had warded to only allow demigods or those invited by demigods). At about four, Annabeth and all the other girls hurried up to their dorms (Annabeth went with Daphne Greengrass, a Slytherin in Percy’s year), while the boys just stayed outside or went inside to play exploding snap, a game that Percy found he loved right up along there with climb the wall at camp.

For a while now, Percy had been wondering who Harry was taking, he hadn’t told anyone who, so everyone had been bugging him, but he never let up.

The boys went up to there dorms to get ready when it started to got to 6 o’clock. When Annabeth had been deciding what to wear, she’d asked him what he was going to wear. When he answered that he had no clue, she had gotten him to ask his mother to get him a suit, and he agreed to suit after seeing Harry’s dress robes. In the end he’d gotten a black suit, with a white button up shirt, a dark blue pocket square, a matching tie and gold cuff links.

Annabeth looked stunning. She was wearing a purple dress, a darker purple on top, similar to the blue in his suit, with sequins on the chest. Starting at the left hip, going down to the right knee, the fabric changed. It became a lighter purple, while the sequins started making flower patterns. Her hair was done up like on Circe’s island, washed combed and braided with gold. It made her look even more like a princess than she normally did.

When she got to the bottom of the stairs she looked at him smirking and said, “Pick your mouth up, it’s not very attractive.” He quickly snapped his jaw closed, held out his arm and led her to the entrance hall to wait for the doors to open to the great hall.

They weren’t waiting long, the doors were soon open and it looked Magnificent.

AN:// I was listening to the never ending story theme as I finished this off, don’t know if that reflected in my writing, Sorry about the abrupt ending, I don’t quite know what the ball’s going to look like yet.

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

Percy's Wizarding HeritageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora