Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ancient runes was actually pretty easy, all they did was go over the runes that they had learnt over the last couple of years, and the runes meaning just popped into his head when he looked at them, so Percy was able to do his work easily. The first thing they had to do was translate a paragraph of text into English. That in itself was easy. All it was, was a paragraph from the book Fantastical Beasts and Where to Find Them. It went like this:

Although almost solely responsible for the creation of the Werewolf Register in 1947, he says he is proudest of the Ban on Experimental Breeding, passed in 1965, which effectively prevented the creation of new and untameable monsters within Britain. Mr Scamander’s work with the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau led to many research trips abroad, during which he collected information for his worldwide best-seller Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them, now in its fifty-second edition.


It translated pretty easily and Percy was finished halfway through the lesson. When they were given homework, Percy knew that he would be finished by tomorrow, if not that night, all depending on how long he could sit still. It was just a couple more translations, an essay on a protection rune, that looked eerily like Omega and they needed to read a couple of books by the next class on Wednesday.


Next period, when he was waiting for the Defence class to start, he heard the golden trio, a group of students he was told stuck their noses into everything, were talking about homework they got in their classes

“We got so much homework in Runes,” Hermione Granger, someone from his Arithmancy class, was saying, “a fifteen inch essay, two translations and I’ve got to read these by Wednesday!”

“Shame.” The redheaded one yawned.

“You wait I bet Snape gives us loads.”

As soon as she said this, Snape opened the door and stepped out, as if summoned out by hearing his name.

“Inside.” Was all he said, waving them inside the classroom. There were pictures of people twisting in pain, or hurt beyond even the Apollo campers abilities all over the walls.

“I have not asked you to pull your books out,” He heard a couple of people put their books away softly. “I wish to speak to you and I want to have your full attention.” His gaze slid over all of the students, staying a bit longer on Harry, but when he reached Percy, his gaze stopped just a fraction longer. He quickly moved on to the next student.

“You have had five teachers in this subject so far, I believe.” Said Snape. Wow five teachers. I wonder how the people in this class managed to get to be good enough to make it this far. “Naturally, these teachers will all have had their own methods and priorities. Given this confusion I am surprised so many of you scraped an O.W.L. in this subject. I shall be even more surprised if you all manage to keep up with the N.E.W.T. work, which will be much more advanced.” Snape started walking around the class, talking in a quiet voice now.

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