Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

During the weeks coming up to Christmas break, Ron and Hermione weren’t talking to each other. During that time Percy spent most of the time with either Draco or Hermione, when he was with Hermione they did their homework for Ancient Runes, Defence, Transfiguration, Charms and Potions together while he did his COMC homework and she did her Arithmancy, Harry was usually with them. Harry was getting letters from his Uncle Will, and he soon found out that his uncle was a fox animagus. Harry really enjoyed having an uncle around that he could trust; Percy could see it in his face whenever he got a letter from him. His whole face would light up, and his eyes would twinkle in a way that reminded Percy of Dumbledore.


For Slughorn’s Christmas party, Percy was allowed to bring Annabeth. They’d enjoyed spending the night together, they only had a problem when Filch dragged Pansy Parkinson in, she was claiming that she had been invited but was late. After Snape had given her a detention with Filch she was taken back to her dorms.


All too soon they were on the train to go home. They had agreed to all go to Wills house for Christmas, so then Harry could see the place before he got there and tell him if he wanted to stay at the Japanese house or try the one in America and stay near Percy. When they got to his house, Percy knew that Harry would want to stay there.

The house was two stories tall. It had reddish brown bricks. The front door was frosted glass, with an oak wood frame. When the group got inside, they saw a long hallway with old art hanging on the walls. In the occasional alcove, there was a statue, or a vase on a pedestal. Will showed them up the marble staircase, where he then led them to their rooms. His was right at the end; on the right was Harry’s. Directly opposite that was Percy’s, then next to that was Sally’s.

In his room, there was a four post bed, with crimson (Annabeth had started teaching him some of the different shades, it was hard, but the reward for getting it right was great) hangings. The carpet was a pale brown, and the window gave him a view over the field out the back that led to the forest. Perfect place for some sword practice.

Once everyone was packed away, they all went down and set up the Christmas decorations. When they were done, the tree was covered with tinsel, looking more tinsel than tree in some places, with some lights thrown here and there. The Front of the house was brightly lit with a wreath hanging off it, and the hallways had Christmas trinkets all around.


On Christmas day, Percy woke up and raced down to see the sun rise. It had become a tradition with his mum. They would wake up early Christmas morning and go out and watch the sun rise. When he got there he saw that Will was there with his mum. They were talking about something, but he couldn’t hear it from the doorway.

“Morning mum, Uncle Will, Merry Christmas.” He said, making them both jump lightly.

“Morning Perce, Merry Christmas to you to. How’d you sleep?” They both answered.

“Pretty good, when do you think Harry will be up?”

“I’m already up, you were the last.” Came a muffled voice from behind him. Turning, Percy saw Harry with three cups of hot chocolate.

They sat there for a few minutes, sipping at their drinks, with Percy bouncing his knee, excited, but not wanting to seem rude.

Finally, William said, “Do you boys want to go open your presents?”

“Yes please, Uncle Will.” Answered Harry.

“Ok then, let’s go.” And they all tramped into the lounge room and looked at the mound of presents under the tree.

“Ok, this one’s for Harry. Next for Percy. Harry. Sally. Me.” And the gifts were passed out in no particular order. In the end Harry had a golden snitch (Percy), a book on becoming an animagus (Sally), a book called The Dark Arts and How to Defend Yourself From Them (Hermione), a hand knitted sweater (Mrs Weasley), pranking stuff (Two other Weasleys), as well as a package from a house elf which ended up being a ton of maggots. When his uncle Will gave him his present, he was a bit curious; it was a box with air holes in it. When he opened it Percy could see he was instantly in love with it. It had jet black fur, with bright gold eyes. It was a British Bombay cat.

Percy ended up with a charm necklace (Annabeth), some blue sweets and a skateboard (his mum), a wand holster (William), for some reason a sweater purely sea green in colour (Mrs Weasley), complete set of Sanctuary DVD’s (Hermione) (They had talked about what shows they liked and Percy said he really liked this one), somehow he managed to get a set of twelve vials of Re’em blood (Harry).

They were just about to start getting breakfast ready, when they heard a knock on the door. William went to answer it. When he came back, he looked quite upset. It seemed that the British minister for magic had been trying to come and visit Harry, but seeing as there was no real reason to the Japanese ministry denied him access to the Potter land in Japan. But it was all soon forgotten in the fun they were having. Near the end of the day, Remus Lupin turned up, he was Harry’s unofficial godfather now Sirius was gone, they talked a lot, but he had to leave soon after, saying something about Order business but not before giving Harry an old set of books. When he saw Harry’s confused face he explained.

These were your parent’s fourth year books. I was cleaning out my attic when I found them. Can’t remember why they gave them to me, but I thought you’d like them.”

Harry didn’t say anything, just hugged him with his eyes glistening. Remus understood and just rubbed his back.

When Remus left Harry went to his room  and stayed there for the rest of the day, only coming out to grab some food, before he went back up to his room.

The holidays past and soon it was time to go back to school.

AN:// Could you guys check out my sisters story. Her name is Chickie_101, the story is ‘Should I Believe Him After All His Deceits’

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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