Chapter 5

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After shopping they got a room at the Leaky Cauldron. Percy was just finishing off telling Lady Hecate he had all his stuff.

"Now Perseus I will be putting all relevant information directly into your head, it will hurt and I will need to be present personally. I will write up a suitable grade for each class you will want or need to get into. You will be able to access all of this when you need it. You just need to concentrate on what you’re looking for. Now go get your mother so I can explain things to her so she doesn’t panic." Explained Hecate.

After they discussed silencing charms and about how long he'll be unconscious, it sounded like a while, but he wasn’t really paying attention, they both turned to him and Hecate made him lay on the bed and relax. She mumbled some stuff in what sounded like Latin, he wasn’t able to translate it before he felt his head explode, darkness claiming him, numbing the pain a little while and silencing his screams.

When Percy woke up he felt stiff and a little hungry. He shuffled out to his mum’s room, cracking his arms , legs and back on the way, and knocked on her door.

"Come in."

"How long was I out?" Percy asked

"Oh, not long," his mum answered, dismissing his question, "how are you feeling honey?"

"Feeling hungry and a little stiff. What time is it?”

“It’s about lunchtime. After lunch we’ll sort out your stuff and pack it all up so we can leave early tomorrow.”

“Why? Are we going back home?”

“No, we need to get you to the train.”

“What?” Percy yelled, “I thought you said I wasn’t out long?”

“Percy, it was only a week.”

“Did you at least send the letter to that McGonagall lady?”

“Yes, Percy we’re all ready except for the packing. So, you hurry up, have lunch and go pack.”

“Fine, fine, I’m going.”


After eating and packing, which took the all afternoon for some reason, they had dinner and both went to bed and Percy had one of his frequent demigod dreams.

He was standing in a huge room; it was barely lit by the candles running along the walls, when he saw his grandfather. He was sitting above a man who was picking himself up off the floor, panting.


“I don’t tolerate failure, Lucius.” Voldemort sneered. “I expect you to bring your son hear I have a task for him while he is at Hogwarts, it involves my Grandson.”


The dream changed to show him an old man walking down a street with a boy with messy black hair, they were muttering to each other, he only heard a word here and there, stuff like “Slughorn”, “Scrimgeour” and “Inferi”. Suddenly they stopped in front of a house. They looked up; when Percy did to he saw a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth, then the older one said something to the boy, making him pull out his wand. They walked into the house and the dream faded away.

AN:// I’m thinking of making a new character, maybe Percy’s cousin, Voldemort’s other grandchild. What do you guys think

This has been edited. 11/08/2014

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