Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

For the rest of the week, Percy had fun in his classes. The most exciting by far was Care Of Magical Creatures, which was first up the next day. Because he was the only sixth year, he got one-on-one time with the professor with the occasional lesson shared with the fifth years. He was a giant of a man, and for the first class he brought in a Pegasus. Hagrid’s face had been priceless when Percy had started having a conversation with it. After him and the Pegasus, Brangus, had a little chat, involving sugar cubes and not calling him lord, Percy turned to look at Hagrid, who had this look of pure awe on his face. They soon started talking about all the magical creatures they had seen. Hagrid was really excited when Percy talked about owning a hellhound (Hagrid really wanted him to bring it in to show him, but Percy managed to convince him otherwise), while Percy was interested about Hagrid having a dragon for a pet, even if it was only for a few weeks. They soon set up a meeting for the weekend, and Percy was excited, he’d made a good friend like Tyson, but he could tell that something was bothering Hagrid, almost like he was missing someone.


Soon the weekend arrived and Percy went down to Hagrid’s hut. For a few hours he helped him to patrol the outer edge of the forest. When they came back they saw three kids hanging out by Hagrid’s hippogriff, Buckbeak.

“Oi! Git away from him! He’ll have yer fingers – oh. It’s you lot.” And with that Hagrid strode into his cabin, slamming the door just after Percy managed to slip in, recognizing the golden Trio and understanding that they’d upset his new friend somehow.

The three started banging on the door, shouting out, “Hagrid! Open up we want to talk to you.” After a little pause the voice added. “If you don’t open the door, we’ll blast it open.”

Quickly Hagrid strode over to the door, and roared “I’m a teacher! A teacher, Potter! How dare yeh threaten ter break down my door!”

“I’m sorry, sir.” Harry answered sarcastically, emphasising the sir.

“Since when have yeh called me ‘sir’?”

“Since when have you called me ‘Potter’?”

“Oh, very clever, very amusin’. That’s me outsmarted, innit? Oh, all righ’, come in then, yeh ungrateful little ....”

He trailed off, muttering at the end. He decided to introduce them;

“Percy, this is Harry, Hermione an’ Ron. You lot, this is Percy. He’s been helping me around the forest fer the day. The only sixth year in me class. Now wha’ do yeh want. Feelin’ sorry fer me?”

Harry answered without missing a beat, “No, we wanted to see you.”

“We’ve missed you!” Hermione said.

“Missed me, have yeh?” snorted Hagrid. “Yeah righ’.”

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