Chapter 4

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No Matter how bad Andy was, Y/n was happy in her so-called relationship. Y/n think that making sacrifices and living with the restrictions imposed by boyfriend is called love. The girl who always wanted her love story as a film story was ready to live her life with a simple middle-class life for her love.

Yoongi and Jia had become good friends. Yoongi likes Jia as a friend.

One day when they were talking suddenly Jia said

Jia: Yoongi I love you

Yoongi: what?

Jia: Yeah, I love uh... Don't know when and how we talked...

Yoongi: Jia we are just friends... Just friends...

Jia: That's why I want us to go ahead of friends.

Yoongi: look, you know very well, I love Y/n, yes she rejected me, but what should I do, I used to love her before I told her and I still do...

Jia: The girl who broke your heart, because of her you are breaking the heart of that girl who loves you more than herself??

Come on Yoongi, she gone. Move on, I am not forcing uh go home and think and answer me tomorrow ...!!

With that she runoff


Y/n Andy's relationship,

Andy: Y/n, we are in a relationship it's been more than one year.

Y/n: yeah,

Andy: u love me right??

Y/n: When I gave u a second chance, don't you understand how much I love you ??

Andy: Don't you think that we should give our relationship to the next level??

Y/n: means??

Andy: I'm talking about a physical relationship

Y/n are you out of your mind ??

Andy: wtf ?? Why are u being Hyper all couples do sex And I also want it.

Y/n: Shut up and stop it ...

Andy: no. Either Sex or breakup

The choice is yours !!

Y/n: Why are you doing this?
I always do everything you say now what is this??

Andy: Bye. If yes then message me otherwise don't.

*Andy makes Y/n cry once again,, Y/n wants to save her relationship but not by giving such a big price,
She is so sensitive her virginity is everything for her she won't want to lose it like this not so soon she sleeps crying while thinking this*

Yoongi and Jia :

Jia: So what did you think ??

Yoongi: I am totally confused, the one I loved broke my heart and the one who loves me I don't want to break her heart.

Jia: Forget her Yoongi, we will be very happy. I will never let you miss her.

*Yoongi comes in her words even without wanting and Jia starts her new relationship with a sweet hug*

Y/n's love was shattering slowly and on the other hand, Yoongi was starting a new beginning with someone.

Andy has stopped talking to Y/n, Y/n wakes up every day and sleeps crying at night.

She was used to Andy's love. she wanted to get her love back, and there Y/n's love was stamped to make her stubborn. Y/n thinks for once to say yes, but then her brain says that the person who can put this condition on love, what will he do later...

Yoongi went ahead of Y/n but not with the memories of Y/n, he wanted only once. Once Y/n come and say to him "I have understood your love, Yes, I also want you.

He was with Jia but, In reality, he was still of Y/n's and this is thing Jia is slowly starting to realize.

She understands that she has done wrong...And she thinks of telling the truth to Yoongi, but still, she doesn't dare to say anything.
To Be Continued

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