Phase Two: 2 :: Chapter: 19

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*Y/n got faint Everyone is very tense right now. Taehee started crying, she didn't understand what happened to her mom*

Yoongi: Namjoon gets the car out.

Yoongi's Mom: son don't worry, nothing will happen to her.

*Yoongi doesn't listen to anyone quickly lift Y/n's and took her in the car. Sat her in the back seat of the car and rest her head in his lap. Namjoon and Dina sat ahead. Yoongi constantly rubs her hands because her body is getting cold. Yoongi is on the verge of crying. Tears were on the edges but they weren't coming out.*

Namjoon: Yoongi Keep your cools, nothing will happen. Simple weakness.

*Yoongi doesn't answer*

Dina: Yoongi.

*still no answer*

Namjoon: Yoongi listen.

Yoongi: will you guys shutup.., I'm not less tensed already that you are disturbing my mind... (extremely loudly)

*Both got silent...After some time they reached the hospital. Yoongi quickly takes Y/n to an emergency. Y/n is still unconscious. Without knowing how much his life must be yearning. The nurse asks Yoongi to stay outside and take Y/n., he realizes that he overreacted with Dina and Namjoon. Both of them were sitting quietly at a distance. When Yoongi sat beside them both started crying*

Yoongi: don't please.

*Yoongi handling dina and Namjoon*

Yoongi: Namjoon and Dina Sorry friends.

Dina: why?

Yoongi: I got angry in the car.

Namjoon: Are you mad.?it's okay.

Yoongi: still.

Namjoon: see we are very good that even it's Y/n's matter so it's nothing.

Yoongi: hahahaha. You are my life.

Dina: He is not Y/n.

Yoongi: yes.

Namjoon: Wow.

*That's when doctors come*

Doctor: Mrs. Min's relatives?

Yoongi: I'm her husband. What has happened to her? She suddenly fell. Is she ok?

Doctor: Yeah. We have done all the tests. She is totally fine. It happened only because of weakness. And perhaps there was something wrong with their diet too. Make her eat soft and light food.

Yoongi: thank you, doctor.

*Yoongi remembers that she ate a spicy breakfast in the morning. Doctor left*

Yoongi: have you seen the result of her stubbornness and told her to eat soft food but she has to make such a serious issue? Now I won't talk to her. She will be alright on her own.

Namjoon: Come on bro chill. Now take her home.

Yoongi: let's go.

*everyone goes to her room, Y/n is sitting with a big smile. Namjoon and Dina ask about her well-being but Yoongi was silent.*

Y/n: you also ask something.

Yoongi to dina says: If you both have asked about her well-being, bring her to the car. I'm taking the car out of the parking.

*After saying this and he left.*

Y/n: what happened to him??

Dina: he is angry with you.

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