Chapter 29

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*Yoongi calls Y/n from outside of her house. Y/n picks up the call*

Yoongi: hey, where r u? Come to the balcony.

Y/n: no.

Yoongi: what? Why did I come from so far then?

*Y/n remains silent*

Yoongi: Oh god babe, I'm late by 2 minutes, so don't get angry.. see I'm saying sorry by holding my ears. Please come.

Y/n: The door of the house is open, come inside.

Yoongi: ohh what are you saying? Now you want me to get beaten by Jin Hyung or what?

Y/n: Shut up stupid and come inside.

*Yoongi strengthens himself and knocks on the door of the house*

*Y/n in her loud voice*

Y/n: Didn't I tell you to come inside.

*Yoongi opens the door. Y/n is standing in front of him in a very pretty dress and looking just like an angel. Yoongi just keeps looking at her*

Y/n: What should I have for breakfast? Sandwich or pasta?

(Yoongi is still in a daze)

Yoongi: means?

*Y/n comes close to Yoongi slowly
slowly and embraces Yoongi *

Y/n: All family members are out of the station.

Yoongi: seriously. No one is at home.

*this time Yoongi hugs Y/n*

Yoongi: Shall say one thing?

Y/n: Yes sure.

Yoongi: I am very hungry.

Y/n: hahaha hahaha ok, I knew you must be hungry so I prepared breakfast beforehand

Yoongi: What did you make?

Y/n: Umm, it's sandwich, pasta and juice

Yoongi: enough but I also want you in front of me.

《Don't think about the double meaning guys it's not what u r thing》

*Y/n blushes*

*Y/n gets up and goes towards the kitchen*

Yoongi: wait I'm coming too.

Y/n: What will you do after coming?

Yoongi: Ummm help you.

Y/n: hahaha, I have made everything, just want to heat it in the microwave. You stay here, I will bring it.

Yoongi: no, I will just see you please don't say no.

Y/n: hahaha ok stupid.

*Both go to the You sit there on the shelf.*

Yoongi: Okay Mam. But may I help you??

Y/n: I told you no need, you just sit quietly.

*Y/n heat sandwich and pasta*

Y/n: ok honey just brings this plate.

Yoongi: ahem ahem, shall I bring honey too.

Y/n: u want to slap 2 or 4?

Yoongi: kisses 4/per slap.

*Both start laughing loudly after this small convo. Both of them come to the dining table.*

Y/n: I seriously love you.

Yoongi: nd I love u too

*Both smile*

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