Chapter 43

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*Yoongi to Dina tells the plan that the video of the girl has to be made very carefully. Dina understands.*

Dina: Don't worry bro-in-law .. don't take tension. I will do it.

Yoongi: Dina this proof is very important.

Dina: I understand.

*Dina goes to school the next day .. Before the girl arrives in the break, she switches on the video camera and sets the pass of the mobile board so that the girl's face will be clear. A girl comes to mix the drug and everything is recorded. Dina comes later and checks the video. And after school, she gives this to Yoongi. Yoongi and Namjoon later go to the police and give proof. Police arrest this girl and Andy.*

Yoongi: Andy, I warned you that if you come between me and Y/n, I will not leave you. You didn't listen. See the result.

Andy: Please Yoongi, I committed a mistake. Please take back the complaint.

Yoongi: If you had said something to me, I would have forgiven you. But you have damaged my family. Put Y/n's life in danger. I can never forgive you for that.

Andy: What if I am not successful in the whole plan? But Y/n, she is far away from you. She has completely forgotten about you.

Yoongi: Y/n is not far from me. She is innocent but she still has my love in her heart. And I will take Y/n back.

*Andy has been arrested. There is only one tension for Yoongi and that is the memory of Y/n. Yoongi goes to the doctor.*

Yoongi: Doctor Will Y/n's memory will never be healed.

Doctor: This is just a drug that caused memory loss. With time, the effect of these drugs will decrease in the blood and the chances of Y/n's memory getting healed are increasing. Don't worry. Everything will be alright.

Yoongi: Will there be medical treatment to end the effect of these drugs?

Doctor: Yes, it is already happening. The medicine given to Y/n is only to end the effect of the drug. But because drugs have been given too much that is why the result is slow and no heavy dose can be given because already there is a lot of drug in Y/n's body that can have negative effects.

Yoongi: No doctor, you don't need to take any risk. I can wait my whole life for Y/n to get well.

Doctor: don't worry son ..soon everything will be fine.

Yoongi: thanks, doctor.

*Yoongi goes to Y/n's house and Y/n is sleeping. He looks at Y/n*

Yoongi: Queen you are so close to me but I can't hug you. I can't stop talking after lifting you. I can't tell you my feelings. I am so helpless.

*He kisses the forehead of Y/n and goes away. When Y/n wakes up, she feels strange.*

Y/n: Why do I feel like I have felt this feeling before? To be close to someone very special.

*When Yoongi comes home, he remembers the diary given by Y/n. The next day when Y/n goes to school, he finds the diary and brings it with him. Luckily Y/n didn't use a diary till now after memory loss. Yoongi starts reading the diary. Every day was mentioned in the diary when Y/n remember Yoongi. When Y/n feels very empty without him. When she misses him and Y/n cries for Yoongi.. *

Yoongi: please let all this end and I will get my queen. Please. What should I do so that I can help Y/n.?I have an idea that I take Y/n to that place where my and Y/n have special moments.

*Yoongi Calls Dina.*

Dina: yes bro-in-law everything is fine?

Yoongi: Yes actually I needed help from you and Namjoon. Meet me tomorrow.

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