Chapter 27

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*After some time the Yoongi call comes*

Yoongi: Hello.

Y/n: What happened, tell me fast.

Yoongi: Hey calm down.

Y/n: No..... Tell me fast.

Yoongi: Umm do you want to listen in short or complete?

Y/n: complete... Every point.

Yoongi: promise me you won't cry?

Y/n: I Won't cry tell me fast.

Yoongi: actually when you were sleeping I was getting messages from Aana. I also started replying to her.

Y/n: so what?

Yoongi: I don't know from where she got to know that we both are in a relationship.

Y/n: Next?

*Yoongi gets sentimental. Makes a senti sound*

Yoongi: baby I love you little one.

Y/n: Yoongi you are scaring me now.

Yoongi: I love you so much ... I don't care what the rest of the world says. I just love you.

Y/n: Did Aana's sister say anything about me? Means something related to my past.

Yoongi: why r u giving her respect by calling her sister?

Y/n: Shut up. Yes and no?

Yoongi: hmm

Y/n: And you must have given the opposite answer.

Yoongi: hmm

Y/n:and again you might have ended your friendship.

Yoongi: hmm

Y/n: What hmm hmm?? Do you want to get beaten? If someone speaks a little against me, will you stop talking with everyone? Huh, this is not good Yoongi.

Yoongi: Y/n, even if this whole world is against you then I am ready to fight them alone,, all I need is your right hand holding mine left hand forever.

Y/n: Shutup Yoongi... This is not right. You can't turn away from everyone because of me.

Yoongi: You keep quite ok,, You are my life how can anyone say anything about you? Enough is enough okay? She is no one for me from now onwards.

Y/n: Are you mad? She loves uh ... If you can't love them then at least don't do this.

Yoongi: why? Why not do it? She said wrong about my love. To my Y/n, in your single smile, my life lives. And whoever speaks against U will leave my life. That's it

Y/n: Sorry but you are doing wrong.

Yoongi: Put yourself in my place once. Would you hear anything against me??

Y/n: Ya! Yoongi, please.

Yoongi: I love you Y/n. No one has the right to talk about you like this.

Y/n: Okay good leave. That's why you didn't come online yesterday?

Yoongi: No... I was telling my mom about you.

Y/n: Don't joke with me, tell me.

Yoongi: Hey I'm serious

Y/n: what???

Yoongi: It was quite a night while fighting with Aana, my father saw me with the phone. He just jokingly said tell me whom I was talking to, so I gave him the phone and your picture was on the wallpaper

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