Chapter 41

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*Y/n wakes up early in the morning. She texts good morning to Yoongi. he sees the text and replies to Y/n. Then he gets ready and goes to college. Y/n texts Yoongi after coming back from school, but he was busy, he is not able to reply. So he calls Y/n after being free at night.*

Yoongi: Hey my Queen. How are you?

Y/n: I am fine. You tell me. Where are you busy, no texts and calls.

Yoongi: Queen what to say? So many assignments, and a lot of workloads. I Don't get time to check my mobile.

Y/n: I can understand.

Yoongi: Don't you feel bad?

Y/n: no. It's fine.

Yoongi: thanks for understanding my situation.

Y/n: If I don't understand then who will?

Yoongi: That's why I say. You are the best. You are so sweet that anyone can fall in love with you.

Y/n: Just your love is enough and I don't want anyone else.

Yoongi: All my love is only for my queen.

Y/n: Come on, you are tired, take a rest.

Yoongi: yeah queen, I'm very tired.. wanna sleep.

Y/n: good night.. love you.

Yoongi: love u too. goodnight to u too and take care.

Y/n: bye.

Y/n in her mind: "Does distance weaken the relationship? ur love also become weak by this distance? No no no. It's not like this. We have problems in adjustment in starting. With time, everything will be OK. I believe in my love."

*Yoongi was very busy with their studies. Yoongi wanted the best future for him and Y/n. He wanted that the purpose for which Y/n and they are sacrificing so much that he should be fulfilled. On the other side, Y/n was feeling alone day by day.. she was thinking in her mind that her love is decreasing with time. Maybe Yoongi doesn't love her like before maybe there is another girl in (City). All these thoughts were coming to the mind of Y/n. The effect of distance was in both relationships as it comes in every relationship But this is the understanding of partners to save the relationship. Let's lose to this distance problem. There was also a test of Y/n and Yoongi's relationship. Will they be saved from these problems or their relationship will lose..*

*Yoongi Calls Y/n*

Yoongi: Hey my queen how are you.?

Y/n: I am fine. n u.

Yoongi: m also fine. What happened queen? Are you angry?

Y/n: nothing. There is nothing like that.

Yoongi: Tell me what happened to queen?

Y/n: You don't have time to listen to me. Are you still tired or do you have to complete an assignment? Will you talk for two minutes, then bye.

Yoongi: I know I don't give you time but please try to understand that I am really busy.

Y/n: I can understand. But you also understand my condition. I hardly get 5 minutes out of 24 hours. There is so much to say. How much do I have to ask? So many talks remain incomplete.

Yoongi: Y/n I know it's very difficult. You are also saying right .. but you remember diaries. I Write all my feelings on it. And because of this distance, we cannot share our feelings. So I write in the diary. When we will meet, we will be able to express all our words, feelings, and everything to each other. I will fall in love, you will be there and I will be there.

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