Meeting Freddy

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Y/N = Your Name
E/C = Eye Color
F/C = Favorite color
F/A = Favorite Animatronic

"Im sorry, but I don't know what you mean, but who are you? And are you ok?" You felt two strong arms touch you and pick you up. You didn't open your eyes. "Scanning... No record found." You finally opened your eyes a little. You looked up to who was holding you and it was Freddy. Glamrock Freddy was holding you in his arms. You blush a little not expecting his arms to be so strong, yet so delicate with you, especially since he was your childhood crush.

"Odd... I can't find any record of you in the database. What is your name?" Freddy asks you while looking you in your eyes. "M-my name is Y/N..." Freddy looked at your hand, you suddenly felt pain throughout your body again, like you had forgotten you where in pain. "That cut needs to be cleaned. Let me get bandages and clean it so it doesn't get infected." Freddy put you down on the couch and went over to his desk. You now noticed things you never noticed about him. He wasn't wearing his hat and you could see small tufts of hair. There wasn't much, but it was still noticeable. You also noticed he also was a little chubbier than you remembered, it wasn't much at all but it was a little cute, you had to admit. You figured it had something to do with the smell of cookies in the room.

Eventually he came over and started to clean the large cut on your hand. You kept flinching. "It doesn't hurt does it Superstar?" You felt your face get red and hot. He just really called you superstar. But you noticed you had to respond, he was already looking at you. "N-no it doesn't... its just cold water." Freddy went back to cleaning your cut and eventually wrapped a bandage around it. "So, why are you here?" Freddy asked not soon after finishing as he walked over to his desk. "A-ah... well... its a long story really..." you replied. It wasn't one but you didn't want to explain it to him. "Your going to be here a little bit, Officer Vanessa is coming to get you and take you back to your home-" You cut him off "No, no shes not taking me back home." You replied. "Why? Your parents are worried..." He tried to explain to you. "No! No there not! I ran away from them because I don't want to be abused anymore!" Freddy stood there silently staring at you. "Ah... Im sorry superstar... Ill notify Officer Vanessa about this." He replied and went over to you and put his hand on your shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked you. "No." You didn't want to ever explain it to anyone. Ever. You didn't want to relive it all. "Thats ok superstar, just know, Im here for you." He hugged you against him. You though for a moment. How can you already be so friendly with me? I broke into your room, Ive been rude to you, and yet, you still treat me like a friend you've known for a long time."

You sat like that for a while, and eventually a woman with Blond hair and Green eyes came in. "Cmon kid." She said annoyed. Like she was the one being inconvenienced. You already knew you didn't like her. "Officer Vanessa you cant take him home." You both looked at him in confusion. You had already explained to him, but you hadn't expected him to say that. "And why not Freddy." She replied, going to the middle of the room, you noticed a boy with a Freddy hoodie and Brown hair and eyes behind her. He looked around 9. Freddy stood up and you noticed how tall he was, he seemed to be about 6'7. "His parents are abusive, you can't take him home Vanessa." She looked at you. She looked back at Freddy. "So what do you suppose we do. He cant stay with me at my place. I don't have the room and money for him, this job pays enough for me and Gregory with around 150 dollars to spare each month, I cant afford another mouth to feed." She sounded like your mom when she was with you biological father. Freddy looked around the room. "He can stay here, at the Pizzaplex." You all looked at him in confusion. "Freddy, how can I live here?" You ask. "He will have food in the kitchens and a place to stay, he can stay with me in my room during the night, and during the day he can roam around doing what he wants." You all look at him. It doesn't sound that bad, just weird. Who heard of a kid living with robots? Vanessa looked at you. "If we get sued for this its your fault, and Im not taking care if him. Thats your job." She left the room without another word. The boy behind her stayed in the room. "Y/N this is Gregory, Gregory, this is Y/N"

868 words
This part is weird as hell. It makes no sense when Vanessa gets there, but I still like it! So I hope you enjoy! Have a good day/afternoon/night!

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