Sick Day

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A pure fluff chapter cause Im sick. This chapter has Freddy Monty Bonnie and Foxy so yeah.

When you woke up in Freddys bed you were dripping sweat despite feeling freezing cold. Your nose was all stuffy and you felt horrible, tired and sick. You shivered and inched closer to Freddy, despite basically your face already being in his neck. "Hmmmmm..? Superstar? Are you ok?" You shiver in response. He rubbed your back. It was still hurting from... well... activities. "Whats wrong?" You throat was sore too and it hurt to talk. "Im cold and feel sick..." Freddy smiles gently and sympathetically. He felt his hand against your forehead. "I think its just a fever. Alright, I'll got start up a warm bath for you and get some medicine. Are you hungry?" You shake your head.

Freddy carried you to the bathtub and gently put you in.  He started the water and you instantly felt relief. Not much though. "Alright, I'll be back." He left and a couple minutes later Foxy came in and poked his head through the door. "Hey Puppy." He bent down and ran his fingers through your hair. "I saw Freddy and he told me yer sick so I just wanted to check up on ya." You smiled and leaned against the side of the tub. His claws dug into your scalp and it felt like bliss having him scratch your head. Now you really were acting like a puppy, shoving your head under his claws anytime he tried to stop. Foxy laughed and continued. 

"Hey why don't I get in with ya." You tilted your head. Foxy was even more red than usual. "I mean.. I could get ya clean and scratch yer head easier and we could cuddle n' stuff..." You nod your head and signal him to get in. He undressed and got in beside you, wiggling his way behind you. He got some shampoo and scratched it into your scalp. You turned around and laid your face between his pecs. It was like using a unnaturally soft blanket for a pillow. Freddy came back in and smiled. You could tell he thought this was absolutely adorable.

"The medicine will be right here when you get out ok?" You nod tiredly. Foxy continued scratching your head after rinsing all the shampoo out and hugged you. Eventually he got out and dried himself off while you took your medicine. He shakes some of the water out of his fur and you shiver again, with the cold droplets of water pounding on your skin. Foxy blushed. "Oh uh- sorry. Canine instincts just kinda..." He trailed off and just stopped. You smile and get the rest of your clothes on.

Despite just taking a warm bath and wearing a hoodie you still felt cold. Foxy's holding you bridal style. (Thats how they would all hold you) He sits down on Freddy's bed and cover you with Freddy's velvet red blanket. You snuggle closer and Foxy puts his arms around you and kisses your forehead.

You hear Bonnie and Monty faintly arguing about something you couldn't quite make out. But then again it was probably for a stupid reason. You can't think of a time they had a good reason to be mad at each other. Bonnie and Monty walk in and huff at each other before their attention goes to you. "You feelin any better little guy?" You yawn. "Not really..." Monty lies down next to Foxy as Foxy blushes. Your not sure if they're officially dating but its obvious Foxy has a little crush on Monty. Monty kind of seems oblivious though. (Me and a reader both love this so I decided there will be a couple chapters with just animatronics. First one will probably be either Foxy x Monty or Bonnie x Monty.)

Freddy comes in and you feel a little embarrassed to ask but you manage to squeak it out. "Can we all cuddle together..?" You all glanced at one another and you were all hella embarrassed, but no one objected.

After about 5 minuets of trying to get everyone comfortable you were cuddled up against everyone, with F/A's (Favorite Animatronic) arms wrapped tightly around you, your head under their chin. After being cold since you woke up this felt like bliss. It wasn't too hot surprisingly enough. You were all warm comfortable. 

"So do you guys want to watch movie or play a video game?" Freddy's ears wiggled and your heart melted. He was so god damn adorable. Pretty much everyone agreed on a movie. But no one on what movie. They couldn't even agree on the genre. Freddy wanted a comedy, Monty wanted a horror movie, Bonnie wanted it to be fantasy, and Foxy wanted it to be adventure. Eventually Freddy just said you were all watching Sonic and no one objected. It had comedy, fantasy and adventure so it was a little bit of everything. Well except horror. Even then Monty suggested Deadpool. Freddy wasn't so sure but eventually Monty convinced him to watch it.

At a lot of parts you wouldn't expect Freddy to even giggle at he burst out laughing along with you and the others. No one was bored and everyone was having a good time. And thats all you remember before falling asleep right in F/As arms.

Its crazy to think in a span of a month you went from a friendless no body to 4 famous guys boyfriend.

Sorry fluff chapters are short and boring. I have a hard time writing stuff that isn't just "they cuddled, the end" Sorry guys :(

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