Monty and Bonnie angst 😫

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Ok, this argument started out funny but its getting boring and tiresome. You wouldn't mind it if they fought every once and a while, after all it was pretty entertaining to watch, but its pretty much all the time.

"Well Im not the one who ruined last nights show am I?" Monty growled. "I MADE ONE MISTAKE AND YOU KNOW IT COTTONTAIL." Bonnie rolled his eyes. "Oh just one that everyone heard and started laughing at." Monty's hand balled up int a fist and he started clenching so hard his claws almost dug into his own hands. "SHUT UP AT LEAST IM NOT THE ONE WHO STOLE MY CO-WORKERS GUITAR SOLO DURING ONE OF HIS FIRST SHOWS." "I did that because Vanessa told me to before that show started. Cant exactly disobey orders from her. Oh and at least Im not the one who de-commsioned his co-worker." Oh shit Bonnie might have just went to far. "I-I... I told you it wasn't me."  (Im sorry that Bonnie is about to sound like a REAL asshole right now... I love Bonnie buttttt I head canon he can still be a jerk when he wants.)

"Oh and yet the engineers found me in where? Oh thats right, Monty Golf. All clawed up and ripped apart in some artificial lake. So I'm supposed to believe that my memory of you destroying me is lie, I was found in Monty Golf but you didn't destroy me, and that my ex best friend obsessed with fame who also just happened to be a bass guitar player like me didn't destroy me so he could become more popular?" Monty looked even more hurt. "And you stole my glasses and other shit after I was found. You stole your out of order aka dead best friend's stuff. My guitar, my glasses, and my spot on stage. What does that sound like to-" "SHUT UP! IT WAS THE ONLY THINGS I HAD LEFT OF YOU! AND I DIDNT EVER WANT YOUR DAMN SPOT. I HATE PERFORMING ON STAGE! IM AFRAID OF MESSING THE SHOW UP AND RUINING THE NIGHT LIKE LAST NIGHT! AND I HATE THE FACT YOUR CONVINCED IM THE ONE WHO DE-COMMISIOND YOU! EVERYONE INCLUDING FREDDY BELIEVES THAT LOAD OF BULL SHIT! THEN AFTER YOU WERE FOUND THEY MADE ME INTO THE BAD GUY TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE SHOW!" Bonnie looked surprised. "Wha-" Monty storms out before Bonnie could respond. 

"Sure... walk out before I can ask a question, totally not lying." Your still not sure who to believe about this whole situation. But you decide Monty. Even if Monty did, Bonnie's not exactly innocent. He's still salty about something that doesn't matter anymore, it happened months ago, every things back to normal, Monty has new matching glasses to Bonnie and Bonnie has his guitar and glasses. Bonnie has his normal spot. 

You start to walk out but Bonnie grabs your hand. "Y/N you know he might hurt you on accident. He's pissed off. Just leave him be for a while and we'll talk things out." Bonnie lets go. "He might. Might. Plus he has a good reason to be pissed off. You started teasing him then you two got in to a full blown argument before you mentioned something he's regretting and trying to forget." Bonnies ears went down. "I... Sorry Y/N I didnt-" "Why are you apologizing to me? You should be apologizing to Monty."

You go to Monty's room and knock on the door. A loud bang and one slammed open door later Monty was standing over you huffing. "Y/N..." He picks you up and squeezes you tightly. "... can we cuddle." You nod. "Of course, do you want to talk about it while we cuddle?" Monty grins a little. "T-That'd be nice."

He lays down and covers you both in a blanket and holds you against him. He squeezes you tighter and sighs. "I... I understand why he believes that I destroyed him but... him and everyone makes me the bad guy because of it. I mean the company made up some bullshit thing about how I want to destroy Freddy too and take his spot. But I don't want that. I love Freddy and would never hurt him He knows that... right?" You kiss Monty's snout and he blushes. "Im sure he does." Monty scratches your head. "Y/N, thank you for just being here with me, I love you so much. Your the best person in the world." You blush. "I- you- what-" You move a strand of hair out of Monty's face. "I-I love you too my big gator." Monty blushed too. "You do?" His eyes start welling up as you nod. 

Monty hugs you tighter and starts crying. "Thank you Y/N! I- wow it feels great just hearing that..." He tail sways from side to side. God why were you blessed with this gift to humanity. 

Eventually he moves you and places his snout on your chest and  his tail keeps wagging behind him. You kiss his nose and he blushes and smiles. He shoves his head right under your chin and lays on you. Monty turns on some music and turns it down just for a little background noise.

You yawn and realize you and Monty both fell asleep and he's drooling on your shirt. Silly gator. You rub his belly and he gets on his back like a dog and his tail wags. "You like belly scratches huh?" No response. He's still asleep. You rub his belly more. 

After we wakes up

Someone knocks on Monty's door. You both get up and you open the door. Finally Bonnie is going to apologize. 

"Uh... Hey Monty." Monty doesn't say anything and just kind of scratchs his neck awkwardly. "Monty... I'm sorry for being such an asshole!" He hugs Monty and Monty looks a little surprised. "I- just- I don't know why I thought you did it. I was so stubborn that when I had made up my mind I refused to believe you or anyone else. But... I know its gonna be hard to forgive me, but please, can we be best friends again?" Monty blushes. Ok you already had a slight suspicion he had a crush on Bonnie but he totally does and he can't deny it now.

Angst to Fluff is the best! Its even better when you add gator himbos!

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