Montgomery Gator fluff

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(Look even if your not scared of thunder, you are now cause I had this idea.. mid thunderstorm. Its to cute for me to pass up.)

The rain crackles on the roof as you get out of the shower. You get dressed in your favorite Monty pajama pants and a f/c hoodie. Monty is waiting for you on the couch and smiles at you when you get out. You hug him and he hugs you back. Even if you don't like physical affection, you can't help but just stay his grasp, letting his big strong arms hold you tightly in place. Suddenly thunder crackles and you hold on tighter to him, hiding your face in his chest. "Lil Guy? Whats wrong?" You blush and look up at him.

"Promise not to make fun of me?" You didn't think he would but with how some people act about you being scared of thunderstorms, like your some crybaby, pisses you the hell off. "Promise." "Im scared of thunderstorms..." Monty smiles gently and runs a finger through your hair. "Well your big gator is here to protect you." He shows off a little, flexing his arms and you giggle a bit and Monty smiles. "Listen, if you ever hear it, remember, thunder is only a noise lighting makes, so if you haven't been struck by lightning by the time you hear thunder your safe." He gently strokes his fingers through your hair down your back. You just sit there and lay your head on his huge pecs. "Is there any aspect of you thats not huge?" Monty blushed.

"Whatdya mean Lil Guy?" You trace his muscles with your finger. "Oh nothing just the fact you have huge hands, muscles, pecs, abs, dick, legs, feet, claws so on so forth." Monty turned even more red and looked away. "Awww does some one have a thing for being praiseddddd. (Omg. Short Top Y/N Tall Bottom Monty, new chapter idea)" Monty looked about ready to implode. "You don't know what your talkin about." 

Might make this on longer later, also can you tell Monty is my favorite?

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