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The white bunny stared at you. The knife shakes in your hand. "Because its my responsibility." She spoke slowly, like she was in a trance. "What do you mean-" A loud crash comes from the elevator behind you. Monty bursts open the door. Shit, he must've jumped down the elevator shaft. You run past the bunny and stab her. She must have something to do with this, and you would double tap to make sure but with Monty chasing you thats not an option right now.

You hide behind a wall and as he's about to turn the corner you shoot directly into his eyes. He tries to claw at you but you dodge and sweep one foot from out under him. Maybe if you can destroy the USB without destroying Monty.. he may come back to his senses. You stomp on his back and the USB shocks you like before. Shit. Monty gets back up and claws at you. A deep scratch forms cross your chest and blood drips out. You kick him between the legs as hard as you can. People joke about it being a cheap shot but it comes in handy when fighting for your life. He flinches and you ignore the shock, adrenaline helping you yank the USB out. You throw it and Monty's eyes go from purple to the normal red. Monty looks confused before seeing your chest. He almost looks like something similar happened before. His stomach hatch opens. "Get in, quick." He whisper yells. Your still dazed and confused so he just pretty much shoves you in there and gets up and starts running.

Monty suddenly falls and you hit your head. Blood drips out and you hold your head as you hear the rabbits voice. "Monty... tell me were the kid is and I might just spare him the torture." Monty growled. "Im not telling you a damn thing." The woman sighs. "Monty... you wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last time you disobeyed me.. would you?" Monty got up. "Y-You wouldn't fucking dare Vanny." 'Vanny' laughs hysterically. "OH YOU IDIOT, STOP ACTING LIKE YOUR IN CONTROL. REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME?" Monty clenched his fist. "I- no- Bonnie-" "Thats right, I'll make you disassemble him again... and put him back together and see how many times you can before he stops responding. And maybe make your precious little Y/N watch... and see you dismember Bonnie piece by piece. Then Freddy. Then Chica. Until theres no one left but him. And then... I'll make you rip his guts out and eat them... what a shame for Y/N's last moments, someone he thought he could trust ripping his guts out and eating them before his very eyes! Oh I can feel the agony from here." You start sweating.

Vanny picks the chip up and puts it in Monty's back. "Kill him" 

You feel suddenly claustrophobic as the walls feel like... no they are caving in. His chest cavity is getting smaller. You can't breathe. You bang on Monty's chest. "SOMEONE. HELP ME! IM SCARED I DON'T WANT TO DIE! I PLEASE! SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Tears start flooding your eyes as you start getting the feeling you can't breathe. "NO! NO! PLEASE! HELP ME! I CANT BREATHE!" Vanny laughs. "Having fun in there?"

You look up and in one last desperate attempt at escape, you try to escape by popping Monty's head off. You reach your arm through his mouth as your legs start to crush, and stretch his jaw apart, opening his mouth at one last desperate attempt to escape. Vanny stabs your hand and you punch her arm as hard as you can. She lets go and you yank the knife out and stab stabbing wildly at Monty as your left leg starts to break. The crushing stops, and Monty collapses. You stabbed his motherboard, pretty much his brain. Holy shit. Monty's head easily pops off and you crawl out. 

"I-I..." Vanny disappears and your left alone with Monty's mangled corpse, oil coming out of his now red, lifeless eyes. You start crying. What the fuck did you just do. 

Ah yes time to cry

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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