The Queen Marry

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This book does not follow the timeline of the actual Sam and Colby videos but uses them as an outline.
Warning: substance abuse, mental health issues, talk of blood, talk of suicide, death, abuse.

The Queen Mary.

Where do we go when we die? Is it that we just stop existing, does our soul live on?, do we play like a broken record walking through the same place we once did when we lived? Is there a heaven and hell?Do we stay with our loved ones watching them grow and live forever waiting for them to hear you again and to feel their touch?

These are the questions i get asked most when i tell people what i can do. Some believe me but then there's the ones that dont, i don't get offended when they call me a liar or anything. I understand it's scary thinking about what happens when we die.
Ever since I was younger I was able to see things that no one else could, I could hear them and speak to them, it wasn't till I was older that I understood what was happening.

Sometimes it's a gift but then other times it's the worst thing in the world. The things I see and hear can stay with me forever, but it never stops me from using what I was given. I go to places where there is always a chance that I see someone that's not really there and film it for my youtube channel that i started 6 years ago when i was 15.

Today i was going to be in another youtubers video going to the queen mary with another medium, before going i whatched some of their videos to see what their like and they seemed to be cool but i still wasnt going alone because thats just stupid.

"Wait so there's not gonna be anyone else there?" James asked, ''He's been my friend for a while now and I thought it would be safest to bring him with me, "yeah that's what they said" i answered "that's not weird" he mumbled concentrating on the road in front of him. The sun is still up but its getting darker and we are on our way to meet Sam and Colby for the video, we are about twenty minuets away and i get a message from sam saying that they had arrived.


Sam ghost hunting

We're here, just park
up when you get her.

You will probably see
us at the front anyways.

Okay we're like twenty
minutes away.

We finally make it to the destination and i can see everyone outside waiting as james parks up. I see them turn the camera to us and I ask James one last time if he's okay with doing this, "yes i'm fine i just don't want you to do this alone" he replied taking the key out of the car and opening the door. I get out of the car and we start heading towards the group, there's 5 people: a girl with pink hair, a blond girl, a boy with brown hair, a boy with blonde hair, and then a boy with curly black hair.

"Hey im sam this is colby, kat, amanda and matt" the blonde boy said putting his hand out for me to shake, i shook his hand and then colbys hand, when i did that i got a strange feeling but just ignored it, "im Y/N and this is my friend james" i say. We all greet each other and then we start to follow the guide into the entrance of the ship, "so have you ever been here before?" Colby askes pointing the camera at me "I've never been here but I've always wanted to come" I reply.

We get to an outside part of the ship and set the camera up to film the introduction to the video. "Oh my god it is cold as shit right now" i say as the camera starts recording and everyone giggles, "whats up guys its sam and colby" "today... we're back, got our friend matt here, girlfriend katrina, our friend amanda who is a medium you guys have seen her in other videos and our new guest Y/N who is also a medium and her friend james" sam explains, i give a small wave as james does aswell while putting his arms around my shoulders when he noticed me shivering.

"Tonight we are here at the infamous queen mary" we finish the intro and the guide lets us go into a place that no one else goes. "I can barely drive a car, I couldn't imagine steering this ship" Kat says as we all look around, we all joke around and no one wants to go into a room that is connected so Amanda walks in first "no ones coming in with me?" she shouts "i'm coming" i say walking in with her. We learn a bit of history and then walk down to the first class area, we were all messing around some more but i notice something behind everyone. I go towards it and around a corner, I hear them question where i've gone and then footsteps coming towards me. "What's wrong?" James questions putting a hand on my back pulling me back to reality "i just thought i saw something" I answer turning around to face them "are you okay, like do you feel okay?" colby asks me "yeah i'm fine we should carry on" i say.

We got back to the place we were a minute ago and the guide's phone kept going off for no reason. Matt points to the door pretending to leave, making everyone laugh as he walks back to the group. The guide's phone goes off again, we start walking down the stairs and Sam and Colby start talking about how the demons are watching them knowing them from last time they were here. "I felt really good until i got to this floor and then i got a headache" amanda mensions "i feel really sick and anxious" i add "do you want to go outside because we can stop for a minute if you need" Colby says as a concerned look grows on his face "no i'm fine i might just need to sit down for a second" i say not wanting to ruin the video "sit here" james says taking me back to the stairs. I sat down with James standing in front of me stroking my head and the rest went off to the corner to give me a moment.

Colby's pov:

"I felt really good until i got to this floor and then i got a headache" amanda mensions "i feel really sick and anxious" Y/N adds i look at her to notice she's gone pale "do you want to go outside because we can stop for a minute if you need" i say as concern grows inside me "no i'm fine i might just need to sit down for a second" she replies as her friend starts to guide her to the stairs so she can take a moment, the rest of the group and i move off to the corner, "do you think shes okay?" i question sam "i dont know brother '' Sam replies. I take my backpack off remembering I brought some drinks for everyone and take a bottle of water over to her "here '' I say handing the drink to her "thanks" the says looking up and taking it and drinking some. "How are you feeling?'' I ask her standing next to James "im fine" she answers as she starts to stand up "really? We don't have to go yet if you need like a couple more minutes to sit '' i say "no no i'm fine" she says as she holds onto her friend for support to walk.

"Right so we are now back cause we had a little break" i say to the camera as we start walking again "so amanda you were telling us on the way up here you were telling us a story about someone coming to you today" sam mentions "i know about the queen mary because like i live near here and it's a pretty famous ship. So i know about a guy that was crushed in door 13, this guy John came through to me and sometimes it's not a clear conversation like it is with you guys where i can ask questions back and forth like im literally having a conversation with the person, john was he was like my age when he came through, i looked it up later, he was 18 when he was crushed in the doors'' amanda explains. "18? That's so young" Y/N says "yeah... john had some crazy stuff and we will definitely see him tonight" amanda continues.

Where Do We Go When We Die | Colby Brock Where stories live. Discover now