I'll Pick You Up At 4.

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Date outfit

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Date outfit

“Good morning” Colby mumble next to me half asleep next to me “morning” I say opening my eyes and looking at how sleepy he is. “I dont want to move today” I say comfortable in my spot next to Colby “then dont lets stay in bed all day” he says “thats a good idea” I say rolling over again and falling back to sleep. 


After sleeping some more we start to watch a movie on his laptop, “I want to take you on a date this time” I say “ok when?” he asks “tomorrow… i’ll pick you up at 4” I say smiling. 


I put the picnic basket in the back of my car under a blanket so Colby doest see what it is, i told him to dress casual but nice because im taking him on a hike and then we’re gonna have a picnic in front of a beautiful view. (outfit is at the top). I park up outside of Colbys apartment, i text him that im outside and then a few minutes later he comes outside, hes wearing a black and white t-shirt with a black jean jacket that has spiders and faces on the sleeve with black jeans and black converses. 

“Hey” i say as he climbs into my car “hey” he replies “ready?” i ask and he nods yes in reply. We get to the park and i park my car up, “what are we doing here?” he asks confused “we are going on a hike to one of my favourite spots and then we will have a picnic while looking at the view” I say exited to show the place to him. 

I open the back car door and grab the basket and blanket out, we start walking together and we start talking about ourselves “my favourite childhood memory is probably cooking with my pops” I say “what about you?” i ask “probably when me, Sam and our friends went into our first abandoned place” Colby says 

“Has Sam always been your best friend?” I ask “no but it feels like we have. Whos your best friend?” he asks “Briana. Even the she likes to annoy me in the afterlife i still love her to pieces” i say “do you mind me asking how she died?” “no, i mean the old me would of kept it a secret but her story should be heard… she umm. There was this guy in our home town, no one liked him cause he was a creep. He had a weird obsession with some of the young girls… 

One day she was walking to my house and it was pretty late, she saw a young girl struggling against a man that was bigger than her, so Briana being Briana she went over to try and help her, she managed to get the man of the girl so she could run but Briana couldnt get away and he managed to take her instead, she was missing for 4 days until we managed to find where he was keeping her but by then it was too late” i explain 

“Im so sorry… did he get arrested?” “yeah, but something happened that meant hes only got 25 years. So i like to tell her story for her so people can see the problem with the justice system and so he gets longer in prison” I say.

“Here it is” i say putting the blanket down on the floor and Colby puts down the blanket, he had taken it from me pretty early, “oh wow” he says taking in the view. The sun had started to set just before we got here so we get to see the view at the perfect time. 

We sit down and i start to grab the food out “what food did you bring?” he asks “i just brought some snacks” I say getting out a tin of pop and handing Colby one. “When did you know you wanted to take me out on a date?” I ask “ummm. When we went to the Stanley hotel” he answers. “When you first shook my hand what did you feel?” he asks 

“I dont really remember, but i do remember that i got a weird feeling” I explain “give me your hand” i say, Colby follows and holds his hand out, i grab it with both my hands and hold it gently while i close my eyes. “Youve always been kind, in this life and the others, but you are very intimidating to people and spirits. You’ve always struggled with a battle in your head but you dont let that stop you from trying to get better.” I say opening my eyes to find his blue ones already looking at me. 

Without saying anything we start to lean into each other until our lips are connecting, we move in sync holding onto each other trying to bring ourselves as close as we could, “i like doing that” Colby says pulling our lips away but still staying close “really? Who knew” i say sarcastically. 

We eat the food i packed and the carry on talking and watching the view. “You ready to go home?” I ask “yeah” he replies. We pack up all of our things and then start walking back to the car in the dark, Colby grabs my hand as we walk to keep me close. “Mine or your place?” I ask when i get to the road in between both of them “mine” he says. 

We start walking down the corridor and see Sam walking out of his apartment “hey you two. Where’ve you been?” he asks walking towards us “we went for a hike” Colby explains “at this time?” Sam asks, smirking a little, “it was a date” Colby admits and grabs my hand. Sam looks at the both of us with a big smile across his face.  

We say goodbye to Sam and then we get into Colbys apartment “want to go to bed?” Colby asks as we kick off our shoes “yes” I say happy he asked. 


Hope your enjoying their relationship so far. I hope you enjoyed this chapter if so , please vote on it. Love ya xx 

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